Source code for libqtile.backend.wayland.core

# Copyright (c) 2021-3 Matt Colligan
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import os
import signal
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

import pywayland
import pywayland.server
import wlroots.helper as wlroots_helper
import wlroots.wlr_types.virtual_keyboard_v1 as vkeyboard
import wlroots.wlr_types.virtual_pointer_v1 as vpointer
from pywayland.protocol.wayland import WlSeat
from pywayland.utils import wl_container_of
from wlroots import xwayland
from wlroots.util import log as wlr_log
from import Box
from wlroots.wlr_types import (
from wlroots.wlr_types.cursor import Cursor, WarpMode
from wlroots.wlr_types.idle_inhibit_v1 import IdleInhibitorManagerV1, IdleInhibitorV1
from wlroots.wlr_types.idle_notify_v1 import IdleNotifierV1
from wlroots.wlr_types.keyboard import Keyboard
from wlroots.wlr_types.layer_shell_v1 import LayerShellV1, LayerSurfaceV1
from wlroots.wlr_types.output_management_v1 import (
from wlroots.wlr_types.output_power_management_v1 import (
from wlroots.wlr_types.pointer_constraints_v1 import PointerConstraintsV1, PointerConstraintV1
from wlroots.wlr_types.scene import (
from wlroots.wlr_types.server_decoration import (
from wlroots.wlr_types.xdg_shell import XdgShell, XdgSurface, XdgSurfaceRole
from xkbcommon import xkb

from libqtile import hook, log_utils
from libqtile.backend import base
from libqtile.backend.wayland import inputs, layer, window, wlrq, xdgwindow, xwindow
from libqtile.backend.wayland.output import Output
from libqtile.command.base import expose_command
from libqtile.config import ScreenRect
from libqtile.log_utils import logger
from libqtile.utils import QtileError, reap_zombies

    # Continue if ffi not built, so that docs can be built without wayland deps.
    from libqtile.backend.wayland._ffi import ffi, lib
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("Warning: Wayland backend not built. Backend will not run.")

    from import Generator
    from typing import Any

    from cairocffi import ImageSurface
    from pywayland.server import Listener
    from wlroots.wlr_types import Output as wlrOutput
    from wlroots.wlr_types.data_device_manager import Drag

    from libqtile import config

class ImplicitGrab(wlrq.HasListeners):
    """Keep track of an implicit pointer grab.

    A Wayland client expects to receive pointer events from the moment a
    pointer button is pressed on its surface until the moment the button is
    released.  The Wayland protocol leaves this behavior to the compositor.

    def __init__(
        core: Core,
        surface: Surface,
        start_x: int,
        start_y: int,
        start_sx: int,
        start_sy: int,
    ) -> None:
        self.core = core
        self.surface = surface
        self.start_dx = start_sx - start_x
        self.start_dy = start_sy - start_y
        self.add_listener(surface.destroy_event, self._on_destroy)

    def finalize(self) -> None:

    def _on_destroy(self, _listener: Listener, _data: Any) -> None:

[docs]class Core(base.Core, wlrq.HasListeners): supports_restarting: bool = False def __init__(self) -> None: """Setup the Wayland core backend""" # This is the window under the pointer self._hovered_window: window.WindowType | None = None # but this Internal receives keyboard input, e.g. via the Prompt widget. self.focused_internal: window.Internal | None = None # Log exceptions that are raised in Wayland callback functions. log_utils.init_log( logger.level, log_path=log_utils.get_default_log(), logger=pywayland.server.listener.logger, ) wlr_log.log_init(logger.level) log_utils.init_log( logger.level, log_path=log_utils.get_default_log(), logger=wlr_log.logger, ) self.fd: int | None = None self.display = pywayland.server.display.Display() self.event_loop = self.display.get_event_loop() ( self.compositor, self.allocator, self.renderer, self.backend, self._subcompositor, ) = wlroots_helper.build_compositor(self.display) self.socket = self.display.add_socket() os.environ["WAYLAND_DISPLAY"] = self.socket.decode()"Starting core with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=%s", self.socket.decode()) # These windows have not been mapped yet; they'll get managed when mapped self.pending_windows: set[window.WindowType] = set() # Set up inputs self.keyboards: list[inputs.Keyboard] = [] self._pointers: list[inputs.Pointer] = [] self.grabbed_keys: list[tuple[int, int]] = [] DataDeviceManager(self.display) self.live_dnd: wlrq.Dnd | None = None DataControlManagerV1(self.display) = seat.Seat(self.display, "seat0") self.add_listener(, self._on_request_set_selection) self.add_listener(, self._on_request_set_primary_selection ) self.add_listener(, self._on_request_start_drag) self.add_listener(, self._on_start_drag) self.add_listener(self.backend.new_input_event, self._on_new_input) # Some devices are added early, so we need to remember to configure them self._pending_input_devices: list[inputs._Device] = [] hook.subscribe.startup_complete(self._configure_pending_inputs) self._input_inhibit_manager = InputInhibitManager(self.display) self.add_listener( self._input_inhibit_manager.activate_event, self._on_input_inhibitor_activate ) self.add_listener( self._input_inhibit_manager.deactivate_event, self._on_input_inhibitor_deactivate ) # exclusive_layer: this layer shell window holds keyboard focus when above other # (layer or non-layer) windows, per the layer shell protocol. self.exclusive_layer: layer.LayerStatic | None = None # exclusive_client: this client (any shell) absorbs keyboard AND pointer input, # per input inhibitor protocol. self.exclusive_client: pywayland.server.Client | None = None # Set up outputs self._outputs: list[Output] = [] self._current_output: Output | None = None self.add_listener(self.backend.new_output_event, self._on_new_output) self.output_layout = OutputLayout() self.add_listener(self.output_layout.change_event, self._on_output_layout_change) self.output_manager = OutputManagerV1(self.display) self.add_listener(self.output_manager.apply_event, self._on_output_manager_apply) self.add_listener(self.output_manager.test_event, self._on_output_manager_test) self._blanked_outputs: set[Output] = set() # Set up cursor self.cursor = Cursor(self.output_layout) # we later load a new cursor manager with the config settings self._cursor_manager = XCursorManager(None, 24) self._gestures = PointerGesturesV1(self.display) self._pressed_button_count = 0 self._implicit_grab: ImplicitGrab | None = None self.add_listener(, self._on_request_cursor) self.add_listener(self.cursor.axis_event, self._on_cursor_axis) self.add_listener(self.cursor.frame_event, self._on_cursor_frame) self.add_listener(self.cursor.button_event, self._on_cursor_button) self.add_listener(self.cursor.motion_event, self._on_cursor_motion) self.add_listener(self.cursor.motion_absolute_event, self._on_cursor_motion_absolute) self.add_listener(self.cursor.pinch_begin, self._on_cursor_pinch_begin) self.add_listener(self.cursor.pinch_update, self._on_cursor_pinch_update) self.add_listener(self.cursor.pinch_end, self._on_cursor_pinch_end) self.add_listener(self.cursor.swipe_begin, self._on_cursor_swipe_begin) self.add_listener(self.cursor.swipe_update, self._on_cursor_swipe_update) self.add_listener(self.cursor.swipe_end, self._on_cursor_swipe_end) self.add_listener(self.cursor.hold_begin, self._on_cursor_hold_begin) self.add_listener(self.cursor.hold_end, self._on_cursor_hold_end) self._cursor_state = wlrq.CursorState() # Set up shell self.xdg_shell = XdgShell(self.display) self.add_listener(self.xdg_shell.new_surface_event, self._on_new_xdg_surface) self.layer_shell = LayerShellV1(self.display, 4) self.add_listener(self.layer_shell.new_surface_event, self._on_new_layer_surface) # Set up scene-graph tree, which looks like this from bottom to top: # # root (self.scene) # │ # ├── self.wallpaper_tree # │ ├── SceneBuffer in self.wallpapers # │ └── ... (further outputs) # │ # ├── self.windows_tree # │ │ # │ ├── Background (layer shell) # │ │ ├── LayerStatic.tree # │ │ └── ... # │ │ # │ ├── Bottom (layer shell) # │ │ ├── LayerStatic.tree # │ │ └── ... # │ │ # │ ├── self.mid_window_tree # │ │ ├── XdgWindow.container # │ │ │ ├── XdgWindow.tree # │ │ │ └── XdgWindow._borders # │ │ ├── XWindow.container # │ │ │ ├── XWindow.tree # │ │ │ └── XWindow._borders # │ │ └── ... (further regular windows) # │ │ # │ ├── Top (same as Background) # │ │ ├── LayerStatic.tree # │ │ └── ... # │ │ # │ └── Overlay (same as Background) # │ ├── LayerStatic.tree # │ └── ... # │ # └── self.drag_icon_tree # ├── DragIcon # │ └── wlrq.Dnd # └── ... (usually only one) # self.scene = Scene() # Each tree is created above existing trees self.wallpaper_tree = SceneTree.create(self.scene.tree) self.windows_tree = SceneTree.create(self.scene.tree) self.drag_icon_tree = SceneTree.create(self.scene.tree) self.layer_trees = [ SceneTree.create(self.windows_tree), # Background SceneTree.create(self.windows_tree), # Bottom SceneTree.create(self.windows_tree), # Regular windows SceneTree.create(self.windows_tree), # Top SceneTree.create(self.windows_tree), # Overlay ] self.mid_window_tree = self.layer_trees.pop(2) self.wallpapers: dict[ config.Screen, tuple[SceneBuffer | SceneRect, ImageSurface | None] ] = {} # Add support for additional protocols ExportDmabufManagerV1(self.display) XdgOutputManagerV1(self.display, self.output_layout) ScreencopyManagerV1(self.display) GammaControlManagerV1(self.display) Viewporter(self.display) FractionalScaleManagerV1(self.display) self.scene.set_presentation(Presentation.create(self.display, self.backend)) output_power_manager = OutputPowerManagerV1(self.display) self.add_listener( output_power_manager.set_mode_event, self._on_output_power_manager_set_mode ) self.idle = IdleNotifierV1(self.display) idle_ihibitor_manager = IdleInhibitorManagerV1(self.display) self.add_listener(idle_ihibitor_manager.new_inhibitor_event, self._on_new_idle_inhibitor) PrimarySelectionV1DeviceManager(self.display) virtual_keyboard_manager_v1 = vkeyboard.VirtualKeyboardManagerV1(self.display) self.add_listener( virtual_keyboard_manager_v1.new_virtual_keyboard_event, self._on_new_virtual_keyboard, ) virtual_pointer_manager_v1 = vpointer.VirtualPointerManagerV1(self.display) self.add_listener( virtual_pointer_manager_v1.new_virtual_pointer_event, self._on_new_virtual_pointer, ) xdg_decoration_manager_v1 = xdg_decoration_v1.XdgDecorationManagerV1.create(self.display) self.add_listener( xdg_decoration_manager_v1.new_toplevel_decoration_event, self._on_new_toplevel_decoration, ) # wlr_server_decoration will be removed in a future version of wlroots server_decoration_manager = ServerDecorationManager.create(self.display) server_decoration_manager.set_default_mode(ServerDecorationManagerMode.SERVER) pointer_constraints_v1 = PointerConstraintsV1(self.display) self.add_listener( pointer_constraints_v1.new_constraint_event, self._on_new_pointer_constraint, ) self.pointer_constraints: set[window.PointerConstraint] = set() self.active_pointer_constraint: window.PointerConstraint | None = None self._relative_pointer_manager_v1 = RelativePointerManagerV1(self.display) self.foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 = ForeignToplevelManagerV1.create(self.display) self._xdg_activation_v1 = xdg_activation_v1.XdgActivationV1.create(self.display) self.add_listener( self._xdg_activation_v1.request_activate_event, self._on_xdg_activation_v1_request_activate, ) # Set up XWayland. wlroots wants to fork() and waitpid() for the # xwayland server: # # so we need to delay installing our SIGCHLD handler so they can # actually waitpid(). we install it in _on_xwayland_ready() or the # exception handler, whichever is executed. This can be reverted if/when: # # is merged. self._xwayland: xwayland.XWayland | None = None try: self._xwayland = xwayland.XWayland(self.display, self.compositor, True) except RuntimeError:"Failed to set up XWayland. Continuing without.") asyncio.get_running_loop().add_signal_handler(signal.SIGCHLD, reap_zombies) else: os.environ["DISPLAY"] = self._xwayland.display_name or """Set up XWayland with DISPLAY=%s", os.environ["DISPLAY"]) self.add_listener(self._xwayland.ready_event, self._on_xwayland_ready) self.add_listener(self._xwayland.new_surface_event, self._on_xwayland_new_surface) # Start self.backend.start() def get_enabled_outputs(self) -> list[Output]: ret = [] for output in self._outputs: if not output.wlr_output: continue if not output.wlr_output.enabled: continue ret.append(output) return ret @property def name(self) -> str: return "wayland" @property def active_keyboard(self) -> inputs.Keyboard | None: keyboard = if keyboard is not None: for kb in self.keyboards: if kb.keyboard._ptr == keyboard._ptr: return kb return None def finalize(self) -> None: self.finalize_listeners() self._poll() for kb in self.keyboards.copy(): kb.finalize() for pt in self._pointers.copy(): pt.finalize() for out in self._outputs.copy(): out.finalize() if self._xwayland: self._xwayland.destroy() self._cursor_manager.destroy() self.cursor.destroy() self.output_layout.destroy() self.backend.destroy() self.display.destroy() if hasattr(self, "qtile"): delattr(self, "qtile") def win_from_node(self, node: SceneNode) -> window.Window | window.Internal: tree = node.parent while tree and is None: tree = tree.node.parent assert tree and return # Low level iteration code # We cannot use for_each_buffer I think because that does not give the underlying nodes # We need to underlying nodes to get the opacity property def configure_node_opacity(self, node: SceneNode) -> None: if not node.enabled: return if node.type == SceneNodeType.BUFFER: scene_buffer = SceneBuffer.from_node(node) win = self.win_from_node(node) scene_buffer.set_opacity(win.opacity) elif node.type == SceneNodeType.TREE: tree_ptr = wl_container_of(node._ptr, "struct wlr_scene_tree *", "node", ffi=ffi) parent_tree = SceneTree(tree_ptr) for child in parent_tree.children: self.configure_node_opacity(child) @property def display_name(self) -> str: return self.socket.decode() def _on_request_set_selection( self, _listener: Listener, event: seat.RequestSetSelectionEvent ) -> None:, event.serial) logger.debug("Signal: seat request_set_selection") def _on_request_set_primary_selection( self, _listener: Listener, event: seat.RequestSetPrimarySelectionEvent ) -> None:, event.serial) logger.debug("Signal: seat request_set_primary_selection") def _on_request_start_drag( self, _listener: Listener, event: seat.RequestStartDragEvent ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: seat request_start_drag") if not self.live_dnd and event.origin, event.serial ):, event.serial) else: event.drag.source.destroy() def _on_start_drag(self, _listener: Listener, wlr_drag: Drag) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: seat start_drag") self._release_implicit_grab() if not wlr_drag.icon: return self.live_dnd = wlrq.Dnd(self, wlr_drag) def _on_new_input(self, _listener: Listener, wlr_device: input_device.InputDevice) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: backend new_input_event") device: inputs._Device if wlr_device.type == input_device.InputDeviceType.POINTER: device = self._add_new_pointer(wlr_device) elif wlr_device.type == input_device.InputDeviceType.KEYBOARD: device = self._add_new_keyboard(wlr_device) else:"New %s device", return capabilities = WlSeat.capability.pointer if self.keyboards: capabilities |= WlSeat.capability.keyboard"New device: %s %s", *device.get_info()) if hasattr(self, "qtile"): if self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules: device.configure(self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules) else: self._pending_input_devices.append(device) def _on_new_output(self, _listener: Listener, wlr_output: wlrOutput) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: backend new_output_event") output = Output(self, wlr_output) self._outputs.append(output) # Let the output layout place it if not self.output_layout.add_auto(wlr_output): logger.warning("Failed to add output to layout.") return # Set the current output as we have none defined # Now that we have our first output we can warp the pointer there too # We also set the cursor image as we're initializing the cursor here anyways if not self._current_output: self._current_output = output self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") rect = output.get_screen_info() box = Box(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) x = box.x + box.width / 2 y = box.y + box.height / 2 self.warp_pointer(x, y) def _on_output_layout_change( self, _listener: Listener | None = None, _data: Any = None ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: output_layout change_event") config = OutputConfigurationV1() # disable mons that are no longer enabled for output in self._outputs: if output.wlr_output.enabled: continue head = OutputConfigurationHeadV1.create(config, output.wlr_output) head.state.enabled = False self.output_layout.remove(output.wlr_output) if output is self._current_output: en_outputs = self.get_enabled_outputs() self._current_output = en_outputs[0] if en_outputs else None for output in self._outputs: if not output.wlr_output.enabled: continue box = self.output_layout.get_box(output.wlr_output) if lib.wlr_box_empty(box._ptr): self.output_layout.add_auto(output.wlr_output) # add monitors to layout that are now enabled for output in self._outputs: if not output.wlr_output.enabled: continue head = OutputConfigurationHeadV1.create(config, output.wlr_output) box = self.output_layout.get_box(output.wlr_output) head.state.x = output.x = box.x head.state.y = output.y = box.y head.state.enabled = not lib.wlr_box_empty(box._ptr) output.scene_output.set_position(output.x, output.y) self.output_manager.set_configuration(config) self._outputs.sort(key=lambda o: (o.x, o.y))"screen_change", None) def _on_output_manager_apply( self, _listener: Listener, config: OutputConfigurationV1 ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: output_manager apply_event") self._output_manager_reconfigure(config, True) def _on_output_manager_test(self, _listener: Listener, config: OutputConfigurationV1) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: output_manager test_event") self._output_manager_reconfigure(config, False) def _on_request_cursor( self, _listener: Listener, event: seat.PointerRequestSetCursorEvent ) -> None: if event._ptr.seat_client != # The request came from a cheeky window that doesn't have the pointer return self._cursor_state.surface = event.surface self._cursor_state.hotspot = event.hotspot if not self._cursor_state.hidden: self.cursor.set_surface(event.surface, event.hotspot) def _on_new_xdg_surface(self, _listener: Listener, xdg_surface: XdgSurface) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None logger.debug("Signal: xdg_shell new_surface_event") win: xdgwindow.XdgWindow | layer.LayerStatic if xdg_surface.role == XdgSurfaceRole.TOPLEVEL: # The new surface is a regular top-level window. win = xdgwindow.XdgWindow(self, self.qtile, xdg_surface) self.pending_windows.add(win) return if xdg_surface.role == XdgSurfaceRole.POPUP: # The new surface is a popup window. if not self._current_output: raise RuntimeError("Can't place a popup without any outputs enabled.") parent_surface = xdg_surface.popup.parent if parent_xdg_surface := XdgSurface.try_from_surface(parent_surface): # An XDG shell window or popup created this popup if parent_xdg_surface.role == XdgSurfaceRole.TOPLEVEL: # If the immediate parent is a toplevel, we're a level 1 popup win = cast(xdgwindow.XdgWindow, tree = win.tree else: # otherwise, this is a nested popup tree = cast(SceneTree, while parent_xdg_surface.role == XdgSurfaceRole.POPUP: parent_xdg_surface = XdgSurface.try_from_surface( parent_xdg_surface.popup.parent ) win = cast(xdgwindow.XdgWindow, = self.scene.xdg_surface_create(tree, xdg_surface) elif parent := LayerSurfaceV1.try_from_wlr_surface(parent_surface): # A layer shell window created this popup win = cast(layer.LayerStatic, self.scene.xdg_surface_create(win.popup_tree, xdg_surface) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown surface as popup's parent.") # Position the popup box = xdg_surface.get_geometry() lx, ly = self.output_layout.closest_point(win.x + box.x, win.y + box.y) wlr_output = self.output_layout.output_at(lx, ly) screen_rect = box = Box(screen_rect.x, screen_rect.y, screen_rect.width, screen_rect.height) box.x = round(box.x - lx) box.y = round(box.y - ly) xdg_surface.popup.unconstrain_from_box(box) return logger.warning("xdg_shell surface had no role set. Ignoring.") def _release_implicit_grab(self, time: int = 0) -> None: if self._implicit_grab is not None: logger.debug("Releasing implicit grab.") self._implicit_grab.finalize() self._implicit_grab = None # Pretend the cursor just appeared where it is. self._process_cursor_motion(time, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) def _create_implicit_grab(self, time: int, surface: Surface, sx: float, sy: float) -> None: self._release_implicit_grab(time) logger.debug("Creating implicit grab.") self._implicit_grab = ImplicitGrab( self, surface, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y, int(sx), int(sy) ) def _on_cursor_axis(self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerAxisEvent) -> None: handled = False if != 0 and not self.exclusive_client and not self._implicit_grab: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, button bindings are disallowed. if event.orientation == pointer.AxisOrientation.VERTICAL: button = 5 if 0 < else 4 else: button = 7 if 0 < else 6 handled = self._process_cursor_button(button, True) if not handled: event.time_msec, event.orientation,, event.delta_discrete, event.source, ) def _on_cursor_frame(self, _listener: Listener, _data: Any) -> None: def _on_cursor_button(self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerButtonEvent) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None self.idle.notify_activity( found = None pressed = event.button_state == input_device.ButtonState.PRESSED if pressed: self._pressed_button_count += 1 if self._implicit_grab is None: found = self._focus_by_click() else: if self._pressed_button_count > 0: # sanity check self._pressed_button_count -= 1 if self._implicit_grab is not None:, event.button, event.button_state) if self._pressed_button_count == 0: self._release_implicit_grab(event.time_msec) return handled = False if not self.exclusive_client and event.button in wlrq.buttons: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, button bindings are disallowed. button = wlrq.buttons.index(event.button) + 1 handled = self._process_cursor_button(button, pressed) if not handled: if self._pressed_button_count == 1 and found and not self.live_dnd: win, surface, sx, sy = found if surface: self._create_implicit_grab(event.time_msec, surface, sx, sy), event.button, event.button_state) def _implicit_grab_motion(self, time: int) -> None: if self._implicit_grab: sx = self.cursor.x + self._implicit_grab.start_dx sy = self.cursor.y + self._implicit_grab.start_dy, sx, sy) def _on_cursor_motion(self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerMotionEvent) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None self.idle.notify_activity( dx = event.delta_x dy = event.delta_y # Send relative pointer events to seat - used e.g. by games that have # constrained cursor movement but want movement events self._relative_pointer_manager_v1.send_relative_motion(, event.time_msec * 1000, dx, dy, event.unaccel_delta_x, event.unaccel_delta_y, ) if self.active_pointer_constraint: if not self.active_pointer_constraint.rect.contains_point( self.cursor.x + dx, self.cursor.y + dy ): return self.cursor.move(dx, dy) if self._implicit_grab is None: self._process_cursor_motion(event.time_msec, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) else: self._implicit_grab_motion(event.time_msec) def _on_cursor_motion_absolute( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerMotionAbsoluteEvent ) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None self.idle.notify_activity( x, y = self.cursor.absolute_to_layout_coords(event.pointer.base, event.x, event.y) self.cursor.move(x - self.cursor.x, y - self.cursor.y) if self._implicit_grab is None: self._process_cursor_motion(event.time_msec, self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) else: self._implicit_grab_motion(event.time_msec) def _on_cursor_pinch_begin( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerPinchBeginEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_pinch_begin(, event.time_msec, event.fingers) def _on_cursor_pinch_update( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerPinchUpdateEvent, ) -> None: self._gestures.send_pinch_update(, event.time_msec, event.dx, event.dy, event.scale, event.rotation ) def _on_cursor_pinch_end( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerPinchEndEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_pinch_end(, event.time_msec, event.cancelled) def _on_cursor_swipe_begin( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerSwipeBeginEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_swipe_begin(, event.time_msec, event.fingers) def _on_cursor_swipe_update( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerSwipeUpdateEvent, ) -> None: self._gestures.send_swipe_update(, event.time_msec, event.dx, event.dy) def _on_cursor_swipe_end( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerSwipeEndEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_swipe_end(, event.time_msec, event.cancelled) def _on_cursor_hold_begin( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerHoldBeginEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_hold_begin(, event.time_msec, event.fingers) def _on_cursor_hold_end( self, _listener: Listener, event: pointer.PointerHoldEndEvent, ) -> None: self.idle.notify_activity( self._gestures.send_hold_end(, event.time_msec, event.cancelled) def _on_new_pointer_constraint( self, _listener: Listener, wlr_constraint: PointerConstraintV1 ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: pointer_constraints new_constraint") constraint = window.PointerConstraint(self, wlr_constraint) self.pointer_constraints.add(constraint) if == wlr_constraint.surface: if self.active_pointer_constraint: self.active_pointer_constraint.disable() constraint.enable() def _on_new_virtual_keyboard( self, _listener: Listener, virtual_keyboard: vkeyboard.VirtualKeyboardV1 ) -> None: self._add_new_keyboard(virtual_keyboard.keyboard.base) def _on_new_virtual_pointer( self, _listener: Listener, new_pointer_event: vpointer.VirtualPointerV1NewPointerEvent ) -> None: device = self._add_new_pointer(new_pointer_event.new_pointer.pointer.base)"New virtual pointer: %s %s", *device.get_info()) def _on_new_idle_inhibitor( self, _listener: Listener, idle_inhibitor: IdleInhibitorV1 ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: idle_inhibitor new_inhibitor") for win in self.qtile.windows_map.values(): if isinstance(win, window.Window | window.Static): win.surface.for_each_surface(win.add_idle_inhibitor, idle_inhibitor) if # We break if the .data attribute was set, because that tells us # that `win.add_idle_inhibitor` identified this inhibitor as # belonging to that window. break def _on_input_inhibitor_activate(self, _listener: Listener, _data: Any) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: input_inhibitor activate") assert self.qtile is not None self.exclusive_client = self._input_inhibit_manager.active_client # If another client has keyboard focus, unfocus it. if self.qtile.current_window and not self.qtile.current_window.belongs_to_client( self.exclusive_client ): self.focus_window(None) # If another client has pointer focus, unfocus that too. found = self._under_pointer() if found: win, _, _, _ = found # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, no other client's # surfaces are allowed to get pointer input. if isinstance(win, base.Internal) or not win.belongs_to_client(self.exclusive_client): self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") return def _on_input_inhibitor_deactivate(self, _listener: Listener, _data: Any) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: input_inhibitor deactivate") self.exclusive_client = None def _on_output_power_manager_set_mode( self, _listener: Listener, mode: OutputPowerV1SetModeEvent ) -> None: """ Blank/unblank outputs via the output power management protocol. `_blanked_outputs` keeps track of those that were blanked because we don't want to unblank outputs that were already disabled due to not being part of the user-configured layout. """ logger.debug("Signal: output_power_manager set_mode_event") wlr_output = mode.output output = cast(Output, if mode.mode == OutputPowerManagementV1Mode.ON: if output in self._blanked_outputs: wlr_output.enable(enable=True) try: wlr_output.commit() except RuntimeError: logger.warning("Couldn't enable output %s", return self._blanked_outputs.remove(output) else: if wlr_output.enabled: wlr_output.enable(enable=False) try: wlr_output.commit() except RuntimeError: logger.warning("Couldn't disable output %s", return self._blanked_outputs.add(output) def _on_new_layer_surface(self, _listener: Listener, layer_surface: LayerSurfaceV1) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: layer_shell new_surface_event") assert self.qtile is not None wid = self.new_wid() win = layer.LayerStatic(self, self.qtile, layer_surface, wid)"Managing new layer_shell window with window ID: %s", wid) self.qtile.manage(win) def _on_new_toplevel_decoration( self, _listener: Listener, decoration: xdg_decoration_v1.XdgToplevelDecorationV1 ) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: xdg_decoration new_top_level_decoration") decoration.set_mode(xdg_decoration_v1.XdgToplevelDecorationV1Mode.SERVER_SIDE) def _on_xwayland_ready(self, _listener: Listener, _data: Any) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: xwayland ready") asyncio.get_running_loop().add_signal_handler(signal.SIGCHLD, reap_zombies) assert self._xwayland is not None self._xwayland.set_seat( self.xwayland_atoms: dict[int, str] = wlrq.get_xwayland_atoms(self._xwayland) # Set the default XWayland cursor if xcursor := self._cursor_manager.get_xcursor("default"): image = next(xcursor.images, None) if image: self._xwayland.set_cursor( image._ptr.buffer, image._ptr.width * 4, image._ptr.width, image._ptr.height, image._ptr.hotspot_x, image._ptr.hotspot_y, ) def _on_xwayland_new_surface(self, _listener: Listener, surface: xwayland.Surface) -> None: logger.debug("Signal: xwayland new_surface") assert self.qtile is not None win = xwindow.XWindow(self, self.qtile, surface) self.pending_windows.add(win) def _on_xdg_activation_v1_request_activate( self, _listener: Listener, event: xdg_activation_v1.XdgActivationV1RequestActivateEvent ) -> None: """Respond to window activate events via the XDG activation V1 protocol.""" logger.debug("Signal: xdg_activation_v1 request_activate") assert self.qtile is not None focus_on_window_activation = self.qtile.config.focus_on_window_activation if focus_on_window_activation == "never": logger.debug("Ignoring focus request (focus_on_window_activation='never')") return surface = event.surface if surface: xdg_surface = XdgSurface.try_from_surface(surface) if xdg_surface is not None: if win := win.handle_activation_request(focus_on_window_activation) else: # Shouldn't happen. logger.debug("Failed to find window to activate. Ignoring request.") def _output_manager_reconfigure(self, config: OutputConfigurationV1, apply: bool) -> None: """ See if an output configuration would be accepted by the backend, and apply it if desired. """ ok = True for head in config.heads: head_state = head.state wlr_output = head_state.output state = OutputState() state.set_enabled(head_state.enabled) if head_state.enabled: if head_state.mode: state.set_mode(head_state.mode) else: state.set_custom_mode(head_state.custom_mode) state.set_transform(head_state.transform) state.set_scale(head_state.scale) state.set_adaptive_sync_enabled(head_state.adaptive_sync_enabled) # Rescale the cursor if necessary box = self.output_layout.get_box(wlr_output) if box.x != head_state.x or box.y != head_state.y: self.output_layout.add(wlr_output, head_state.x, head_state.y) # Ensure we have cursors loaded for the new scale factor. self._cursor_manager.load(head_state.scale) if not self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") if apply: ok = ok and wlr_output.commit(state) else: ok = ok and wlr_output.test(state) state.finish() if ok: config.send_succeeded() else: config.send_failed() config.destroy() if apply: self._on_output_layout_change() def _process_cursor_motion(self, time_msec: int, cx: float, cy: float) -> None: assert self.qtile cx_int = int(cx) cy_int = int(cy) if not self.exclusive_client: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, button bindings are # disallowed, so process_button_motion doesn't need to be updated. self.qtile.process_button_motion(cx_int, cy_int) if len(self.get_enabled_outputs()) > 1: current_wlr_output = self.output_layout.output_at(cx, cy) if current_wlr_output: current_output = if self._current_output is not current_output: self._current_output = current_output if self.live_dnd: self.live_dnd.position(cx, cy) self._focus_pointer(cx_int, cy_int, motion=time_msec) def _focus_pointer(self, cx: int, cy: int, motion: int | None = None) -> None: assert self.qtile is not None found = self._under_pointer() if found: win, surface, sx, sy = found if self.exclusive_client: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, no other client's # surfaces are allowed to get pointer input. if isinstance(win, base.Internal) or not win.belongs_to_client( self.exclusive_client ): # Moved to an internal or unrelated window if self._hovered_window is not win: logger.debug( "Pointer focus withheld from window not owned by exclusive client." ) self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") self._hovered_window = win return if isinstance(win, window.Internal): if self._hovered_window is win: # pointer remained within the same Internal window if motion is not None: win.process_pointer_motion( cx - self._hovered_window.x, cy - self._hovered_window.y, ) else: if self._hovered_window: if isinstance(self._hovered_window, window.Internal): if motion is not None: # moved from an Internal to a different Internal self._hovered_window.process_pointer_leave( cx - self._hovered_window.x, cy - self._hovered_window.y, ) elif # moved from a Window or Static to an Internal self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") win.process_pointer_enter(cx, cy) self._hovered_window = win return if surface: # The pointer is in a client's surface, sx, sy) if motion is not None:, sx, sy) else: # The pointer is on the border of a client's window if # We just moved out of a client's surface self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") if self._hovered_window is not win: # We only want to fire client_mouse_enter once, so check # self._hovered_window."client_mouse_enter", win) if win is not self.qtile.current_window: if motion is not None and self.qtile.config.follow_mouse_focus is True: if isinstance(win, window.Static): self.qtile.focus_screen(win.screen.index, False) else: if and != win:, False) if ( and and self.qtile.current_screen != ): self.qtile.focus_screen(, False) self._hovered_window = win else: # There is no window under the pointer if self._hovered_window: if isinstance(self._hovered_window, window.Internal): # We just moved out of an Internal self._hovered_window.process_pointer_leave( cx - self._hovered_window.x, cy - self._hovered_window.y, ) else: # We just moved out of a Window or Static self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") self._hovered_window = None def _process_cursor_button(self, button: int, pressed: bool) -> bool: assert self.qtile is not None handled = False if pressed: if keyboard := handled = self.qtile.process_button_click( button, keyboard.modifier, int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y) ) else: logger.warning("No active keyboard found, keybinding may be missed.") if isinstance(self._hovered_window, window.Internal): self._hovered_window.process_button_click( int(self.cursor.x - self._hovered_window.x), int(self.cursor.y - self._hovered_window.y), button, ) else: if keyboard := handled = self.qtile.process_button_release(button, keyboard.modifier) else: logger.warning("No active keyboard found, keybinding may be missed.") if isinstance(self._hovered_window, window.Internal): self._hovered_window.process_button_release( int(self.cursor.x - self._hovered_window.x), int(self.cursor.y - self._hovered_window.y), button, ) return handled def _add_new_pointer(self, wlr_device: input_device.InputDevice) -> inputs.Pointer: device = inputs.Pointer(self, wlr_device) self._pointers.append(device) self.cursor.attach_input_device(wlr_device) self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") # Map input device to output if required. if output_name := pointer.Pointer.from_input_device(wlr_device).output_name: target_output = None for output in self.get_enabled_outputs(): if output_name == target_output = output.wlr_output break if target_output: logger.debug("Mapping pointer to output: %s", output_name) else: logger.warning("Failed to find output (%s) for mapping pointer.", output_name) self.cursor.map_input_to_output(wlr_device, target_output) return device def _add_new_keyboard(self, wlr_device: input_device.InputDevice) -> inputs.Keyboard: keyboard = Keyboard.from_input_device(wlr_device) device = inputs.Keyboard(self, wlr_device, keyboard) self.keyboards.append(device) return device def _configure_pending_inputs(self) -> None: """Configure inputs that were detected before the config was loaded.""" assert self.qtile is not None if self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules: for device in self._pending_input_devices: device.configure(self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules) self._pending_input_devices.clear() def setup_listener(self) -> None: """Setup a listener for the given qtile instance""" logger.debug("Adding io watch") # destroy the old one and load a new one with config settings self._cursor_manager.destroy() self._cursor_manager = XCursorManager( self.qtile.config.wl_xcursor_theme, self.qtile.config.wl_xcursor_size ) self.cursor.set_xcursor(self._cursor_manager, "default") self.fd = lib.wl_event_loop_get_fd(self.event_loop._ptr) if self.fd: asyncio.get_running_loop().add_reader(self.fd, self._poll) else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get Wayland event loop file descriptor.") def remove_listener(self) -> None: """Remove the listener from the given event loop""" if self.fd is not None: logger.debug("Removing io watch") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() loop.remove_reader(self.fd) self.fd = None def _poll(self) -> None: if not self.display.destroyed: self.display.flush_clients() self.event_loop.dispatch(0) self.display.flush_clients() def on_config_load(self, initial: bool) -> None: if initial: # This backend does not support restarting return assert self.qtile is not None managed_wins = [ w for w in self.qtile.windows_map.values() if isinstance(w, window.Window) ] for win in managed_wins: group = None if if in self.qtile.groups_map: # Put window on group with same name as its old group if one exists group = self.qtile.groups_map[] else: # Otherwise place it on the group at the same index for i, old_group in self.qtile._state.groups: # type: ignore if i < len(self.qtile.groups): name = old_group[0] if == name: group = self.qtile.groups[i] if win in # Remove window from old group if group is None: # Falling back to current group if none found group = self.qtile.current_group group.add(win) if group == self.qtile.current_group: win.unhide() else: win.hide() # Apply input device configuration if self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules: for device in [*self.keyboards, *self._pointers]: device.configure(self.qtile.config.wl_input_rules) def new_wid(self) -> int: """Get a new unique window ID""" assert self.qtile is not None return max(self.qtile.windows_map.keys(), default=0) + 1 def focus_window( self, win: window.WindowType | None, surface: Surface | None = None, enter: bool = True ) -> None: if return if self.exclusive_client: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, no other client's surfaces # are allowed to get keyboard input. if not win: return if isinstance(win, base.Internal) or not win.belongs_to_client(self.exclusive_client): logger.debug("Keyboard focus withheld from window not owned by exclusive client.") # We can't focus surfaces belonging to other clients. return if self.exclusive_layer and win is not self.exclusive_layer: logger.debug("Keyboard focus withheld: focus is fixed to exclusive layer surface.") return if isinstance(win, base.Internal): self.focused_internal = win return if surface is None and win is not None: surface = win.surface.surface if self.focused_internal: self.focused_internal = None if isinstance(win, layer.LayerStatic): if not win.surface.current.keyboard_interactive: return if isinstance(win, xwindow.XStatic): if win.surface.override_redirect and not win.surface.or_surface_wants_focus(): return if win.surface.icccm_input_model() == xwayland.ICCCMInputModel.NONE: return previous_surface = if previous_surface == surface: return if previous_surface is not None: # Deactivate the previously focused surface if previous_xdg_surface := XdgSurface.try_from_surface(previous_surface): if not win or win.surface != previous_xdg_surface: previous_xdg_surface.set_activated(False) if prev_win := if ftm_handle := prev_win.ftm_handle: ftm_handle.set_activated(False) else: prev_xwayland_surface = xwayland.Surface.try_from_wlr_surface(previous_surface) if prev_xwayland_surface is not None and ( not win or win.surface != prev_xwayland_surface ): prev_xwayland_surface.activate(False) if prev_win := if ftm_handle := prev_win.ftm_handle: ftm_handle.set_activated(False) if not win or not surface: return logger.debug("Focusing new window") ftm_handle = None if isinstance(win.surface, XdgSurface): win.surface.set_activated(True) ftm_handle = win.ftm_handle elif isinstance(win.surface, xwayland.Surface): win.surface.activate(True) ftm_handle = win.ftm_handle if ftm_handle: ftm_handle.set_activated(True) if enter: if keyboard :=, keyboard) def _focus_by_click(self) -> tuple[window.WindowType, Surface | None, float, float] | None: assert self.qtile is not None found = self._under_pointer() if found: win, surface, sx, sy = found if self.exclusive_client: # If we have a client who exclusively gets input, no other client's # surfaces are allowed to get focus. if isinstance(win, base.Internal) or not win.belongs_to_client( self.exclusive_client ): logger.debug("Focus withheld from window not owned by exclusive client.") return None if self.qtile.config.bring_front_click is True: win.bring_to_front() elif self.qtile.config.bring_front_click == "floating_only": if isinstance(win, base.Window) and win.floating: win.bring_to_front() if isinstance(win, window.Static): if win.screen is not self.qtile.current_screen: self.qtile.focus_screen(win.screen.index, warp=False) win.focus(False) elif isinstance(win, window.Window): if and is not self.qtile.current_screen: self.qtile.focus_screen(, warp=False) self.qtile.current_group.focus(win, False) else: screen = self.qtile.find_screen(int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y)) if screen: self.qtile.focus_screen(screen.index, warp=False) return found def _under_pointer(self) -> tuple[window.WindowType, Surface | None, float, float] | None: """ Find which window and surface is currently under the pointer, if any. """ # Warning: this method is a bit difficult to follow and has liberal use of # typing.cast. Make sure you're familiar with how the scene-graph tree is laid # out (see diagram in __init__ above). assert self.qtile is not None maybe_node = self.windows_tree.node.node_at(self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y) if maybe_node is None: # We didn't find any node, so there is no window under the pointer. return None node, sx, sy = maybe_node if node.type == SceneNodeType.BUFFER: # Buffer nodes can be any surface or subsurface (nested in subtrees) of a # client or Internal window. In all cases we will get a wlr_scene_buffer, # but only client surfaces will have a wlr_scene_surface. scene_buffer = cast(SceneBuffer, SceneBuffer.from_node(node)) if scene_surface := SceneSurface.from_buffer(scene_buffer): # We got a node that is part of a window, walk up the scene graph to # find the window object. It could also be an XDG popup, which can be # the child of either an XDG window or a layer shell window. win = self.win_from_node(node) return win, scene_surface.surface, sx, sy # We didn't get a wlr_scene_surface, so we're dealing with an internal window # Internal windows have a scenetree for borders. The parent's data we will use to cast to an internal window parent_tree = cast(SceneTree, node.parent) win = cast(window.Internal, return win, None, sx, sy if node.type == SceneNodeType.RECT: # Rect nodes are only used for window borders. Their immediate parent is the # window container, which gives us the window at .data. # We have to differentiate between internal windows and normal windows parent_tree = cast(SceneTree, node.parent) if isinstance(, window.Internal): win = cast(window.Internal, else: win = cast(window.Window, return win, None, sx, sy logger.warning("Couldn't determine what was under the pointer. Please report.") return None def check_idle_inhibitor(self) -> None: """ Checks if any window that is currently mapped has idle inhibitor and if so inhibits idle """ assert self.qtile is not None for win in self.qtile.windows_map.values(): if not isinstance(win, window.Internal) and win.is_idle_inhibited: # TODO: do we also need to check that the window is mapped? self.idle.set_inhibited(True) return self.idle.set_inhibited(False) def get_screen_info(self) -> list[ScreenRect]: """Get the output information""" return [output.get_screen_info() for output in self.get_enabled_outputs()] def _get_sym_from_code(self, keycode: int) -> str: keyboard = self.active_keyboard if keyboard is None: raise QtileError("Unable to grab keycode. No active keyboard found.") return keyboard._state.key_get_one_sym(keycode) def grab_key(self, key: config.Key | config.KeyChord) -> tuple[int, int]: """Configure the backend to grab the key event""" if isinstance(key.key, str): keysym = xkb.keysym_from_name(key.key, case_insensitive=True) else: keysym = self._get_sym_from_code(key.key) mask_key = wlrq.translate_masks(key.modifiers) self.grabbed_keys.append((keysym, mask_key)) return keysym, mask_key def ungrab_key(self, key: config.Key | config.KeyChord) -> tuple[int, int]: """Release the given key event""" if isinstance(key.key, str): keysym = xkb.keysym_from_name(key.key, case_insensitive=True) else: keysym = self._get_sym_from_code(key.key) mask_key = wlrq.translate_masks(key.modifiers) self.grabbed_keys.remove((keysym, mask_key)) return keysym, mask_key def ungrab_keys(self) -> None: """Release the grabbed key events""" self.grabbed_keys.clear() def grab_button(self, mouse: config.Mouse) -> int: """Configure the backend to grab the mouse event""" return wlrq.translate_masks(mouse.modifiers) def warp_pointer(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: """Warp the pointer to the coordinates in relative to the output layout""" self.cursor.warp(WarpMode.LayoutClosest, x, y) @contextlib.contextmanager def masked(self) -> Generator: yield self._focus_pointer(int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y)) def flush(self) -> None: self._poll() def create_internal(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> base.Internal: assert self.qtile is not None internal = window.Internal(self, self.qtile, x, y, width, height) self.qtile.manage(internal) return internal def graceful_shutdown(self) -> None: """Try to close windows gracefully before exiting""" assert self.qtile is not None # Copy in case the dictionary changes during the loop for win in self.qtile.windows_map.copy().values(): win.kill() # give everyone a little time to exit and write their state. but don't # sleep forever (1s). end = time.time() + 1 while time.time() < end: self._poll() if not self.qtile.windows_map: break @property def painter(self) -> Any: return wlrq.Painter(self) def remove_output(self, output: Output) -> None: # already removed if output not in self._outputs: return self._outputs.remove(output) box = self.output_layout.get_box(output.wlr_output) if not lib.wlr_box_empty(box._ptr): self.output_layout.remove(output.wlr_output) if output is self._current_output: en_outputs = self.get_enabled_outputs() self._current_output = en_outputs[0] if en_outputs else None def remove_pointer_constraints(self, window: window.Window | window.Static) -> None: for pc in self.pointer_constraints.copy(): if pc.window is window: pc.finalize() def keysym_from_name(self, name: str) -> int: """Get the keysym for a key from its name""" return xkb.keysym_from_name(name, case_insensitive=True) def simulate_keypress(self, modifiers: list[str], key: str) -> None: """Simulates a keypress on the focused window.""" keysym = xkb.keysym_from_name(key, case_insensitive=True) mods = wlrq.translate_masks(modifiers) if (keysym, mods) in self.grabbed_keys: assert self.qtile is not None self.qtile.process_key_event(keysym, mods) return if self.focused_internal: self.focused_internal.process_key_press(keysym)
[docs] @expose_command() def set_keymap( self, layout: str | None = None, options: str | None = None, variant: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Set the keymap for the current keyboard. The options correspond to xkbcommon configuration environmental variables and if not specified are taken from the environment. Acceptable values are strings identical to those accepted by the env variables. """ if self.keyboards: for keyboard in self.keyboards: keyboard.set_keymap(layout, options, variant) else: logger.warning("Could not set keymap: no keyboards set up.")
[docs] @expose_command() def change_vt(self, vt: int) -> bool: """Change virtual terminal to that specified""" success = self.backend.get_session().change_vt(vt) if not success: logger.warning("Could not change VT to: %s", vt) return success
[docs] @expose_command() def hide_cursor(self) -> None: """Hide the cursor.""" if not self._cursor_state.hidden: self.cursor.set_surface(None, self._cursor_state.hotspot) self._cursor_state.hidden = True
[docs] @expose_command() def unhide_cursor(self) -> None: """Unhide the cursor.""" if self._cursor_state.hidden: self.cursor.set_surface( self._cursor_state.surface, self._cursor_state.hotspot, ) self._cursor_state.hidden = False
[docs] @expose_command() def get_inputs(self) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, str]]]: """Get information on all input devices.""" info: defaultdict[str, list[dict]] = defaultdict(list) devices: list[inputs._Device] = self.keyboards + self._pointers # type: ignore for dev in devices: type_key, identifier = dev.get_info() type_info = dict(, identifier=identifier, ) info[type_key].append(type_info) return dict(info)
[docs] @expose_command() def query_tree(self) -> list[int]: """Get IDs of all mapped windows in ascending Z order.""" wids = [] def iterator(buffer: SceneBuffer, _sx: int, _sy: int, _data: None) -> None: # Walk back up tree until we find a window or run out of parents node = buffer.node while True: if win := if node.enabled: # TODO does this need to check the container node rather than # three node within it? wids.append(win.wid) return parent = node.parent if not parent: return node = parent.node self.scene.tree.node.for_each_buffer(iterator, None) return wids
def get_mouse_position(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Get mouse coordinates.""" return int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y) @property def hovered_window(self) -> base.WindowType | None: return self._hovered_window