How to create a widget
The aim of this page is to explain the main components of qtile widgets, how they work, and how you can use them to create your own widgets.
This page is not meant to be an exhaustive summary of everything needed to make a widget.
It is highly recommended that users wishing to create their own widget refer to the source documentation of existing widgets to familiarise themselves with the code.
However, the detail below may prove helpful when read in conjunction with the source code.
What is a widget?
In Qtile, a widget is a small drawing that is displayed on the user's bar. The widget can display text, images and drawings. In addition, the widget can be configured to update based on timers, hooks, dbus_events etc. and can also respond to mouse events (clicks, scrolls and hover).
Widget base classes
Qtile provides a number of base classes for widgets than can be used to implement commonly required features (e.g. display text).
Your widget should inherit one of these classes. Whichever base class you inherit
for your widget, if you override either the __init__
and/or _configure
methods, you should make sure that your widget calls the equivalent method from
the superclass.
class MyCustomWidget(base._TextBox):
def __init__(self, **config):
super().__init__("", **config)
# My widget's initialisation code here
The functions of the various base classes are explained further below.
This is the base widget class that defines the core components required for a widget. All other base classes are based off this class.
This is like a blank canvas so you're free to do what you want but you don't have any of the extra functionality provided by the other base classes.
The base._Widget
class is therefore typically used for widgets that want to draw
graphics on the widget as opposed to displaying text.
The base._TextBox
class builds on the bare widget and adds a drawer.TextLayout
which is accessible via the self.layout
property. The widget will adjust its size
to fit the amount of text to be displayed.
Text can be updated via the self.text
property but note that this does not trigger
a redrawing of the widget.
Parameters including font
, fontsize
, fontshadow
, padding
(font colour) can be configured. It is recommended not to hard-code
these parameters as users may wish to have consistency across units.
The base.InLoopPollText
class builds on the base._TextBox
by adding a timer to
periodically refresh the displayed text.
Widgets using this class should override the poll
method to include a function that
returns the required text.
This loop runs in the event loop so it is important that the poll method does not
call some blocking function. If this is required, widgets should inherit the
class (see below).
The base.ThreadPoolText
class is very similar to the base.InLoopPollText
The key difference is that the poll
method is run asynchronously and triggers a
callback once the function completes. This allows widgets to get text from
long-running functions without blocking Qtile.
As well as inheriting from one of the base classes above, widgets can also inherit one or more mixins to provide some additional functionality to the widget.
This provides the padding(_x|_y|)
attributes which can be used to change the appearance
of the widget.
If you use this mixin in your widget, you need to add the following line to your __init__
The MarginMixin
is essentially effectively exactly the same as the PaddingMixin
instead, it provides the margin(_x|_y|)
As above, if you use this mixin in your widget, you need to add the following line to your
Now you know which class to base your widget on, you need to know how the widget gets configured.
Defining Parameters
Each widget will likely have a number of parameters that users can change to customise the look and feel and/or behaviour of the widget for their own needs.
The widget should therefore provide the default values of these parameters as a
class attribute called defaults
. The format of this attribute is a list of
defaults = [
"Short text explaining what parameter does")
Users can override the default value when creating their
Once the widget is initialised, these parameters are available at
The __init__ method
Parameters that should not be changed by users can be defined in the __init__
This method is run when the widgets are initially created. This happens before
the qtile
object is available.
The _configure method
The _configure
method is called by the bar
object and sets the
and self.qtile
attributes of the widget. It also creates the
attribute which is necessary for displaying any content.
Once this method has been run, your widget should be ready to display content as the bar will draw once it has finished its configuration.
Calls to methods required to prepare the content for your widget should therefore
be made from this method rather than __init__
Displaying output
A Qtile widget is just a drawing that is displayed at a certain location the user's bar. The widget's job is therefore to create a small drawing surface that can be placed in the appropriate location on the bar.
The "draw" method
The draw
method is called when the widget needs to update its appearance.
This can be triggered by the widget itself (e.g. if the content has changed) or
by the bar (e.g. if the bar needs to redraw its entire contents).
This method therefore needs to contain all the relevant code to draw the various components that make up the widget. Examples of displaying text, icons and drawings are set out below.
It is important to note that the bar controls the placing of the widget by
assigning the offsetx
value (for horizontal positioning) and offsety
value (for vertical positioning). Widgets should use this at the end of the
method. Both offsetx
and offsety
are required as both values will
be set if the bar is drawing a border.
self.drawer.draw(offsetx=self.offsetx, offsety=self.offsety, width=self.width)
If you need to trigger a redrawing of your widget, you should call
if the width of your widget is unchanged. Otherwise you
need to call
as this method means the bar recalculates
the position of all widgets.
Displaying text
Text is displayed by using a drawer.TextLayout
object. If all you are doing is
displaying text then it's highly recommended that you use the base._TextBox
superclass as this simplifies adding and updating text.
If you wish to implement this manually then you can create a your own drawer.TextLayout
by using the self.drawer.textlayout
method of the widget (only available after
the _configure method has been run). object to include in your widget.
Some additional formatting of Text can be displayed using pango markup and ensuring
the markup
parameter is set to True
self.textlayout = self.drawer.textlayout(
"fffff", # Font colour
"sans", # Font family
12, # Font size
None, # Font shadow
markup=False, # Pango markup (False by default)
wrap=True # Wrap long lines (True by default)
Displaying icons and images
Qtile provides a helper library to convert images to a surface
that can be
drawn by the widget. If the images are static then you should only load them
once when the widget is configured. Given the small size of the bar, this is
most commonly used to draw icons but the same method applies to other images.
from libqtile import images
def setup_images(self):
self.surfaces = {}
# File names to load (will become keys to the `surfaces` dictionary)
names = (
d_images = images.Loader(self.imagefolder)(*names) # images.Loader can take more than one folder as an argument
for name, img in d_images.items():
new_height = - 1
img.resize(height=new_height) # Resize images to fit widget
self.surfaces[name] = img.pattern # Images added to the `surfaces` dictionary
Drawing the image is then just a matter of painting it to the relevant surface:
def draw(self):
self.drawer.ctx.set_source(self.surfaces[img_name]) # Use correct key here for your image
self.drawer.draw(offsetx=self.offset, width=self.length)
Drawing shapes
It is possible to draw shapes directly to the widget. The Drawer
(available in your widget after configuration as self.drawer
) provides some
basic functions rounded_rectangle
, rounded_fillrect
, rectangle
In addition, you can access the Cairo context drawing functions via self.drawer.ctx
For example, the following code can draw a wifi icon showing signal strength:
import math
def to_rads(self, degrees):
return degrees * math.pi / 180.0
def draw_wifi(self, percentage):
y_margin = ( - WIFI_HEIGHT) / 2
half_arc = WIFI_ARC_DEGREES / 2
# Draw grey background
self.drawer.ctx.move_to(WIFI_HEIGHT, y_margin + WIFI_HEIGHT)
y_margin + WIFI_HEIGHT,
self.to_rads(270 - half_arc),
self.to_rads(270 + half_arc))
# Draw white section to represent signal strength
self.drawer.ctx.move_to(WIFI_HEIGHT, y_margin + WIFI_HEIGHT)
y_margin + WIFI_HEIGHT,
WIFI_HEIGHT * percentage,
self.to_rads(270 - half_arc),
self.to_rads(270 + half_arc))
This creates something looking like this: .
At the start of the draw
method, the widget should clear the drawer by drawing the
background. Usually this is done by including the following line at the start of the method:
self.drawer.clear(self.background or
The background can be a single colour or a list of colours which will result in a linear gradient from top to bottom.
Updating the widget
Widgets will usually need to update their content periodically. There are numerous ways that this can be done. Some of the most common ones are summarised below.
A non-blocking timer can be called by using the self.timeout_add
self.timeout_add(delay_in_seconds, method_to_call, (method_args))
Consider using the ThreadPoolText
superclass where you are calling a function
repeatedly and displaying its output as text.
Qtile has a number of hooks built in which are triggered on certain events.
The WindowCount
widget is a good example of using hooks to trigger updates. It
includes the following method which is run when the widget is configured:
from libqtile import hook
def _setup_hooks(self):
Read the Built-in Hooks page for details of which hooks are available and which arguments are passed to the callback function.
Using dbus
Qtile uses dbus-fast
for interacting with dbus.
If you just want to listen for signals then Qtile provides a helper method called
which can subscribe to a signal and trigger a callback
whenever that signal is broadcast.
Qtile uses the asyncio
based functions of dbus-fast
so your widget
must make sure, where necessary, calls to dbus are made via coroutines.
There is a _config_async
coroutine in the base widget class which can
be overridden to provide an entry point for asyncio calls in your widget.
For example, the Mpris2 widget uses the following code:
from libqtile.utils import add_signal_receiver
async def _config_async(self):
subscribe = await add_signal_receiver(
self.message, # Callback function
can also be used to query properties, call methods etc. on dbus
interfaces. Refer to the dbus-fast documentation
for more information on how to use the module.
Mouse events
By default, widgets handle button presses and will call any function that is bound to the button in the
dictionary. The dictionary keys are as follows:
: Left click
: Middle click
: Right click
: Scroll up
: Scroll down
: Scroll left
: Scroll right
You can then define your button bindings in your widget (e.g. in __init__
class MyWidget(widget.TextBox)
def __init__(self, *args, **config):
widget.TextBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
"Button1": self.left_click_method,
"Button3": self.right_click_method
As well as functions, you can also bind LazyCall
objects to button presses.
For example:
"Button1": lazy.spawn("xterm"),
In addition to button presses, you can also respond to mouse enter and leave events. For example, to make a clock show a longer date when you put your mouse over it, you can do the following:
class MouseOverClock(widget.Clock):
defaults = [
"%A %d %B %Y | %H:%M",
"Format to show when mouse is over widget."
def __init__(self, **config):
widget.Clock.__init__(self, **config)
self.short_format = self.format
def mouse_enter(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.format = self.long_format
def mouse_leave(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.format = self.short_format
Exposing commands to the IPC interface
If you want to control your widget via lazy
or scripting commands (such as qtile cmd-obj
), you
will need to expose the relevant methods in your widget. Exposing commands is done by adding the
decorator to your method. For example:
from libqtile.command.base import expose_command
from libqtile.widget import TextBox
class ExposedWidget(TextBox):
def uppercase(self):
Text in the ExposedWidget
can now be made into upper case by calling lazy.widget["exposedwidget"].uppercase()
or qtile cmd-onj -o widget exposedwidget -f uppercase
If you want to expose a method under multiple names, you can pass these additional names to the decorator. For example, decorating a method with:
@expose_command(["extra", "additional"])
def mymethod(self):
will make make the method visible under mymethod
, extra
and additional
You can use the logger
object to record messages in the Qtile log file to help debug your
from libqtile.log_utils import logger
logger.debug("Callback function triggered")
The default log level for the Qtile log is INFO
so you may either want to
change this when debugging or use
Debugging messages should be removed from your code before submitting pull requests.
Submitting the widget to the official repo
The following sections are only relevant for users who wish for their widgets to be submitted as a PR for inclusion in the main Qtile repo.
Including the widget in libqtile.widget
You should include your widget in the widgets
dict in
The relevant format is {"ClassName": "modulename"}
This has a number of benefits:
Lazy imports
Graceful handling of import errors (useful where widget relies on third party modules)
Inclusion in basic unit testing (see below)
Any new widgets should include an accompanying unit test.
Basic initialisation and configurations (using defaults) will automatically be tested by
if the widget has been included in
(see above).
However, where possible, it is strongly encouraged that widgets include additional unit tests that test specific functionality of the widget (e.g. reaction to hooks).
See Unit testing for more.
It is really important that we maintain good documentation for Qtile. Any new widgets must therefore include sufficient documentation in order for users to understand how to use/configure the widget.
The majority of the documentation is generated automatically from your module. The widget's
docstring will be used as the description of the widget. Any parameters defined in the
widget's defaults
attribute will also be displayed. It is essential that there is a
clear explanation of each new parameter defined by the widget.
While not essential, it is strongly recommended that the documentation includes one or more screenshots.
Screenshots can be generated automatically with a minimal amount of coding by using the fixtures created by Qtile's test suite.
A screenshot file must satisfy the following criteria:
Be named
Any function that takes a screenshot must be prefixed with
Define a pytest fixture named
An example screenshot file is below:
import pytest
from libqtile.widget import wttr
from test.widgets.docs_screenshots.conftest import vertical_bar, widget_config
RESPONSE = "London: +17°C"
def widget(monkeypatch):
def result(self):
monkeypatch.setattr("libqtile.widget.wttr.Wttr.fetch", result)
yield wttr.Wttr
@widget_config([{"location": {"London": "Home"}}])
def ss_wttr(screenshot_manager):
def ss_wttr_vertical(screenshot_manager):
The widget
fixture returns the widget class (not an instance of the widget). Any monkeypatching
of the widget should be included in this fixture.
The screenshot function (here, called ss_wttr
) must take an argument called screenshot_manager
The function can also be parameterized, in which case, each dict object will be used
to configure the widget for the screenshot (and the configuration will be displayed in the docs). If
you want to include parameterizations but also want to show the default configuration, you should include
an empty dict ({}
) as the first object in the list.
Taking a screenshot is then as simple as calling screenshot_manager.take_screenshot()
. The method
can be called multiple times in the same function.
Screenshots can also be taken in a vertical bar orientation by using the @vertical_bar
decorator as shown in
the above example.
only takes a picture of the widget. If you need to take a screenshot
of the bar then you need a few extra steps:
def ss_bar_screenshot(screenshot_manager):
# Generate a filename for the screenshot
target =
# Get the bar object
bar =["top"]
# Take a screenshot. Will take screenshot of whole bar unless
# a `width` parameter is set.
bar.take_screenshot(target, width=width)
Getting help
If you still need help with developing your widget then please submit a question in the qtile-dev group or submit an issue on the github page if you believe there's an error in the codebase.