Source code for libqtile.widget.graph

import cairocffi

from . import base
from os import statvfs
import time

__all__ = [

class _Graph(base._Widget):
    fixed_upper_bound = False
    defaults = [
        ("graph_color", "18BAEB", "Graph color"),
        ("fill_color", "1667EB.3", "Fill color for linefill graph"),
        ("border_color", "215578", "Widget border color"),
        ("border_width", 2, "Widget border width"),
        ("margin_x", 3, "Margin X"),
        ("margin_y", 3, "Margin Y"),
        ("samples", 100, "Count of graph samples."),
        ("frequency", 1, "Update frequency in seconds"),
        ("type", "linefill", "'box', 'line', 'linefill'"),
        ("line_width", 3, "Line width"),
        ("start_pos", "bottom", "Drawer starting position ('bottom'/'top')"),

    def __init__(self, width=100, **config):
        base._Widget.__init__(self, width, **config)
        self.values = [0] * self.samples
        self.maxvalue = 0
        self.oldtime = time.time()
        self.lag_cycles = 0

    def timer_setup(self):
        self.timeout_add(self.frequency, self.update)

    def graphwidth(self):
        return self.width - self.border_width * 2 - self.margin_x * 2

    def graphheight(self):
        return - self.margin_y * 2 - self.border_width * 2

    def draw_box(self, x, y, values):
        step = self.graphwidth / float(self.samples)
        for val in values:
            val = self.val(val)
            self.drawer.fillrect(x, y - val, step, val)
            x += step

    def draw_line(self, x, y, values):
        step = self.graphwidth / float(self.samples - 1)
        for val in values:
            self.drawer.ctx.line_to(x, y - self.val(val))
            x += step

    def draw_linefill(self, x, y, values):
        step = self.graphwidth / float(self.samples - 2)
        for index, val in enumerate(values):
            self.drawer.ctx.line_to(x + index * step, y - self.val(val))
            x + (len(values) - 1) * step,
            y - 1 + self.line_width / 2.0
        self.drawer.ctx.line_to(x, y - 1 + self.line_width / 2.0)

    def val(self, val):
        if self.start_pos == 'bottom':
            return val
        elif self.start_pos == 'top':
            return -val
            raise ValueError("Unknown starting position: %s." % self.start_pos)

    def draw(self):
        self.drawer.clear(self.background or
        if self.border_width:
                self.margin_x + self.border_width / 2.0,
                self.margin_y + self.border_width / 2.0,
                self.graphwidth + self.border_width,
       - self.margin_y * 2 - self.border_width,
        x = self.margin_x + self.border_width
        y = self.margin_y + self.border_width
        if self.start_pos == 'bottom':
            y += self.graphheight
        elif not self.start_pos == 'top':
            raise ValueError("Unknown starting position: %s." % self.start_pos)
        k = 1.0 / (self.maxvalue or 1)
        scaled = [self.graphheight * val * k for val in reversed(self.values)]

        if self.type == "box":
            self.draw_box(x, y, scaled)
        elif self.type == "line":
            self.draw_line(x, y, scaled)
        elif self.type == "linefill":
            self.draw_linefill(x, y, scaled)
            raise ValueError("Unknown graph type: %s." % self.type)

        self.drawer.draw(self.offset, self.width)

    def push(self, value):
        if self.lag_cycles > self.samples:
            # compensate lag by sending the same value up to
            # the graph samples limit
            self.lag_cycles = 1

        self.values = ([value] * min(self.samples, self.lag_cycles)) + self.values
        self.values = self.values[:self.samples]

        if not self.fixed_upper_bound:
            self.maxvalue = max(self.values)

    def update(self):
        # lag detection
        newtime = time.time()
        self.lag_cycles = int((newtime - self.oldtime) / self.frequency)
        self.oldtime = newtime

        self.timeout_add(self.frequency, self.update)

    def fullfill(self, value):
        self.values = [value] * len(self.values)

[docs]class CPUGraph(_Graph): """ Display CPU usage graph. """ defaults = [ ("core", "all", "Which core to show (all/0/1/2/...)"), ] fixed_upper_bound = True def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(CPUGraph.defaults) self.maxvalue = 100 self.oldvalues = self._getvalues() def _getvalues(self): with open('/proc/stat') as file: lines = file.readlines() # default to all cores (first line) line = lines.pop(0) # core specified, grab the corresponding line if isinstance(self.core, int): # we already removed the first line from the list, # so it's 0 indexed now :D line = lines[self.core] if not line.startswith("cpu%s" % self.core): raise ValueError("No such core: %s" % self.core) name, user, nice, sys, idle, iowait, tail = line.split(None, 6) return (int(user), int(nice), int(sys), int(idle)) def update_graph(self): nval = self._getvalues() oval = self.oldvalues busy = nval[0] + nval[1] + nval[2] - oval[0] - oval[1] - oval[2] total = busy + nval[3] - oval[3] # sometimes this value is zero for unknown reason (time shift?) # we just sent the previous value, because it gives us no info about # cpu load, if it's zero. if total: push_value = busy * 100.0 / total self.push(push_value) else: self.push(self.values[0]) self.oldvalues = nval
def get_meminfo(): with open('/proc/meminfo') as file: val = {} for line in file: key, tail = line.split(':') uv = tail.split() val[key] = int(uv[0]) return val
[docs]class MemoryGraph(_Graph): """ Displays a memory usage graph. """ fixed_upper_bound = True def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) val = self._getvalues() self.maxvalue = val['MemTotal'] mem = val['MemTotal'] - val['MemFree'] - val['Buffers'] - val['Cached'] self.fullfill(mem) def _getvalues(self): return get_meminfo() def update_graph(self): val = self._getvalues() self.push( val['MemTotal'] - val['MemFree'] - val['Buffers'] - val['Cached'] )
[docs]class SwapGraph(_Graph): """ Display a swap info graph. """ fixed_upper_bound = True def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) val = self._getvalues() self.maxvalue = val['SwapTotal'] swap = val['SwapTotal'] - val['SwapFree'] - val.get('SwapCached', 0) self.fullfill(swap) def _getvalues(self): return get_meminfo() def update_graph(self): val = self._getvalues() swap = val['SwapTotal'] - val['SwapFree'] - val.get('SwapCached', 0) # can change, swapon/off if self.maxvalue != val['SwapTotal']: self.maxvalue = val['SwapTotal'] self.fullfill(swap) self.push(swap)
[docs]class NetGraph(_Graph): """ Display a network usage graph. """ defaults = [ ( "interface", "auto", "Interface to display info for ('auto' for detection)" ), ("bandwidth_type", "down", "down(load)/up(load)"), ] def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(NetGraph.defaults) if self.interface == "auto": try: self.interface = self.get_main_iface() except RuntimeError: self.log.warning( "NetGraph - Automatic interface detection failed, " "falling back to 'eth0'" ) self.interface = "eth0" self.filename = '/sys/class/net/{interface}/statistics/{type}'.format( interface=self.interface, type=self.bandwidth_type == 'down' and 'rx_bytes' or 'tx_bytes' ) self.bytes = 0 self.bytes = self._getValues() def _getValues(self): try: with open(self.filename) as file: val = int( rval = val - self.bytes self.bytes = val return rval except IOError: return 0 def update_graph(self): val = self._getValues() self.push(val) @staticmethod def get_main_iface(): filename = "/proc/net/route" make_route = lambda line: dict(zip(['iface', 'dest'], line.split())) routes = [make_route(line) for line in list(open(filename))[1:]] try: return next( (r for r in routes if not int(r['dest'], 16)), routes[0] )['iface'] except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError): raise RuntimeError('No valid interfaces available')
[docs]class HDDGraph(_Graph): """ Display HDD free or used space graph. """ fixed_upper_bound = True defaults = [ ("path", "/", "Partition mount point."), ("space_type", "used", "free/used") ] def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(HDDGraph.defaults) stats = statvfs(self.path) self.maxvalue = stats.f_blocks * stats.f_frsize values = self._getValues() self.fullfill(values) def _getValues(self): stats = statvfs(self.path) if self.space_type == 'used': return (stats.f_blocks - stats.f_bfree) * stats.f_frsize else: return stats.f_bavail * stats.f_frsize def update_graph(self): val = self._getValues() self.push(val)
[docs]class HDDBusyGraph(_Graph): """ Parses /sys/block/<dev>/stat file and extracts overall device IO usage, based on ``io_ticks``'s value. See """ defaults = [ ("device", "sda", "Block device to display info for") ] def __init__(self, **config): _Graph.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(HDDBusyGraph.defaults) self.path = '/sys/block/{dev}/stat'.format( dev=self.device ) self._prev = 0 def _getActivity(self): try: # io_ticks is field number 9 io_ticks = int(open(self.path).read().split()[9]) except IOError: return 0 activity = io_ticks - self._prev self._prev = io_ticks return activity def update_graph(self): self.push(self._getActivity())