Source code for libqtile.layout.zoomy

from .base import SingleWindow

[docs]class Zoomy(SingleWindow): """ A layout with single active windows, and few other previews at the right """ defaults = [ ("columnwidth", 150, "Width of the right column"), ("property_name", "ZOOM", "Property to set on zoomed window"), ("property_small", "0.1", "Property value to set on zoomed window"), ("property_big", "1.0", "Property value to set on normal window"), ("margin", 0, "Margin of the layout"), ] def __init__(self, **config): SingleWindow.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(Zoomy.defaults) self.clients = [] self.focused = None def _get_window(self): return self.focused def focus_first(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[0] def focus_last(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[len(self.clients) - 1] def focus_next(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) if len(self.clients) > idx + 1: return self.clients[idx + 1] def focus_previous(self, client): if not self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) if idx > 0: return self.clients[idx - 1] def clone(self, group): c = SingleWindow.clone(self, group) c.clients = [] return c def add(self, client): self.clients.insert(0, client) self.focus(client) def remove(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return if self.focused == client: self.cmd_previous() self.clients.remove(client) return self.focused def configure(self, client, screen): left, right = screen.hsplit(screen.width - self.columnwidth) if client is self.focused: left.x, left.y, left.width, left.height, 0, None, margin=self.margin, ) else: h = int(right.width * left.height / left.width) client_index = self.clients.index(client) focused_index = self.clients.index(self.focused) offset = client_index - focused_index - 1 if offset < 0: offset += len(self.clients) if h * (len(self.clients) - 1) < right.height: right.x, right.y + h * offset, right.width, h, 0, None, margin=self.margin, ) else: hh = int((right.height - h) / (len(self.clients) - 1)) right.x, right.y + hh * offset, right.width, h, 0, None, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() def info(self): d = d["clients"] = [ for x in self.clients] return d def focus(self, win): if self.focused and self.property_name: self.focused.window.set_property( self.property_name, self.property_small, "STRING", format=8 ) SingleWindow.focus(self, win) if self.property_name: self.focused = win win.window.set_property( self.property_name, self.property_big, "STRING", format=8 ) def cmd_next(self): client = self.focus_next(self.focused) or self.focus_first(), False) cmd_down = cmd_next def cmd_previous(self): client = self.focus_previous(self.focused) or self.focus_last(), False) cmd_up = cmd_previous