Source code for libqtile.layout.xmonad

from .base import SingleWindow
import math

[docs]class MonadTall(SingleWindow): """ This layout attempts to emulate the behavior of XMonad's default tiling scheme. Main-Pane: A main pane that contains a single window takes up a vertical portion of the screen based on the ratio setting. This ratio can be adjusted with the ``cmd_grow`` and ``cmd_shrink`` methods while the main pane is in focus. :: --------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------- Using the ``cmd_flip`` method will switch which horizontal side the main pane will occupy. The main pane is considered the "top" of the stack. :: --------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------- Secondary-panes: Occupying the rest of the screen are one or more secondary panes. The secondary panes will share the vertical space of the screen however they can be resized at will with the ``cmd_grow`` and ``cmd_shrink`` methods. The other secondary panes will adjust their sizes to smoothly fill all of the space. :: --------------------- --------------------- | | | | |______| | |______| | | | | | | | | | | |______| | | | | | | | |______| | | | | | | --------------------- --------------------- Panes can be moved with the ``cmd_shuffle_up`` and ``cmd_shuffle_down`` methods. As mentioned the main pane is considered the top of the stack; moving up is counter-clockwise and moving down is clockwise. The opposite is true if the layout is "flipped". :: --------------------- --------------------- | | 2 | | 2 | | | |______| |_______| | | | 3 | | 3 | | | 1 |______| |_______| 1 | | | 4 | | 4 | | | | | | | | --------------------- --------------------- Normalizing: To restore all client windows to their default size ratios simply use the ``cmd_normalize`` method. Maximizing: To toggle a client window between its minimum and maximum sizes simply use the ``cmd_maximize`` on a focused client. Suggested Bindings: :: Key([modkey], "h", lazy.layout.left()), Key([modkey], "l", lazy.layout.right()), Key([modkey], "j", lazy.layout.down()), Key([modkey], "k", lazy.layout.up()), Key([modkey, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.swap_left()), Key([modkey, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.swap_right()), Key([modkey, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([modkey, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), Key([modkey], "i", lazy.layout.grow()), Key([modkey], "m", lazy.layout.shrink()), Key([modkey], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()), Key([modkey], "o", lazy.layout.maximize()), Key([modkey, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.flip()), """ _left = 0 _right = 1 _min_height = 85 _min_ratio = .25 _med_ratio = .5 _max_ratio = .75 defaults = [ ("border_focus", "#ff0000", "Border colour for the focused window."), ("border_normal", "#000000", "Border colour for un-focused winows."), ("border_width", 2, "Border width."), ("name", "xmonad-tall", "Name of this layout."), ("margin", 0, "Margin of the layout"), ("ratio", _med_ratio, "The percent of the screen-space the master pane should occupy " "by default."), ("align", _left, "Which side master plane will be placed " "(one of ``MonadTall._left`` or ``MonadTall._right``)"), ("change_ratio", .05, "Resize ratio"), ("change_size", 20, "Resize change in pixels"), ] def __init__(self, **config): SingleWindow.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(MonadTall.defaults) self.clients = [] self.relative_sizes = [] self._focus = 0 # track client that has 'focus' def _get_focus(self): return self._focus def _set_focus(self, x): if len(self.clients) > 0: self._focus = abs(x % len(self.clients)) else: self._focus = 0 focused = property(_get_focus, _set_focus) def _get_relative_size_from_absolute(self, absolute_size): return float(absolute_size) / def _get_absolute_size_from_relative(self, relative_size): return int(relative_size * def _get_window(self): "Get currently focused client" if self.clients: return self.clients[self.focused] def focus(self, client): "Set focus to specified client" self.focused = self.clients.index(client) def clone(self, group): "Clone layout for other groups" c = SingleWindow.clone(self, group) c.clients = [] c.sizes = [] c.relative_sizes = [] c.ratio = self.ratio c.align = self.align c._focus = 0 return c def add(self, client): "Add client to layout" self.clients.insert(self.focused + 1, client) self.do_normalize = True def remove(self, client): "Remove client from layout" if client not in self.clients: return # get index of removed client idx = self.clients.index(client) # remove the client self.clients.remove(client) # move focus pointer self.focused = max(0, idx - 1) self.do_normalize = True if self.clients: return self.clients[self.focused] def cmd_normalize(self, redraw=True): "Evenly distribute screen-space among secondary clients" n = len(self.clients) - 1 # exclude main client, 0 # if secondary clients exist if n > 0 and is not None: self.relative_sizes = [1.0 / n] * n # reset main pane ratio if redraw: self.do_normalize = False def cmd_reset(self, redraw=True): "Reset Layout." self.ratio = self._med_ratio if self.align == self._right: self.align = self._left self.cmd_normalize(redraw) def _maximize_main(self): "Toggle the main pane between min and max size" if self.ratio <= self._med_ratio: self.ratio = self._max_ratio else: self.ratio = self._min_ratio def _maximize_secondary(self): "Toggle the focused secondary pane between min and max size" n = len(self.clients) - 2 # total shrinking clients # total height of collapsed secondaries collapsed_height = self._min_height * n nidx = self.focused - 1 # focused size index # total height of maximized secondary maxed_size = - collapsed_height # if maximized or nearly maximized if abs( self._get_absolute_size_from_relative(self.relative_sizes[nidx]) - maxed_size ) < self.change_size: # minimize self._shrink_secondary( self._get_absolute_size_from_relative( self.relative_sizes[nidx] ) - self._min_height ) # otherwise maximize else: self._grow_secondary(maxed_size) def cmd_maximize(self): "Grow the currently focused client to the max size" # if we have 1 or 2 panes or main pane is focused if len(self.clients) < 3 or self.focused == 0: self._maximize_main() # secondary is focused else: self._maximize_secondary() def configure(self, client, screen): "Position client based on order and sizes" # if no sizes or normalize flag is set, normalize if not self.relative_sizes or self.do_normalize: self.cmd_normalize(False) # if client not in this layout if not self.clients or client not in self.clients: client.hide() return # single client - fullscreen if len(self.clients) == 1: px =,,,, 0, px, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() return cidx = self.clients.index(client) # determine focus border-color if cidx == self.focused: px = else: px = # calculate main/secondary column widths width_main = int( * self.ratio) width_shared = - width_main # calculate client's x offset if self.align == self._left: # left orientation if cidx == 0: # main client xpos = else: # secondary client xpos = + width_main else: # right orientation if cidx == 0: # main client xpos = + width_shared else: # secondary client xpos = # calculate client height and place if cidx > 0: # secondary client width = width_shared - 2 * self.border_width # ypos is the sum of all clients above it ypos = + \ self._get_absolute_size_from_relative( sum(self.relative_sizes[:cidx - 1]) ) # get height from precalculated height list height = self._get_absolute_size_from_relative( self.relative_sizes[cidx - 1] ) # place client based on calculated dimensions xpos, ypos, width, height - 2 * self.border_width, self.border_width, px, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() else: # main client width = width_main - 2 * self.border_width xpos,, width, - 2 * self.border_width, self.border_width, px, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() def get_shrink_margin(self, cidx): "Return how many remaining pixels a client can shrink" return max( 0, self._get_absolute_size_from_relative( self.relative_sizes[cidx] ) - self._min_height ) def shrink(self, cidx, amt): """ Reduce the size of a client. Will only shrink the client until it reaches the configured minimum size. Any amount that was prevented in the resize is returned. """ # get max resizable amount margin = self.get_shrink_margin(cidx) if amt > margin: # too much self.relative_sizes[cidx] -= \ self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(margin) return amt - margin else: self.relative_sizes[cidx] -= \ self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(amt) return 0 def shrink_up(self, cidx, amt): """ Will shrink all secondary clients above the specified index in order. Each client will attempt to shrink as much as it is able before the next client is resized. Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned. """ left = amt # track unused shrink amount # for each client before specified index for idx in range(0, cidx): # shrink by whatever is left-over of original amount left -= left - self.shrink(idx, left) # return unused shrink amount return left def shrink_up_shared(self, cidx, amt): """ Will shrink all secondary clients above the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. After applying the shared amount to all affected clients, any amount left over will be applied in a non-equal manner with ``shrink_up``. Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned. """ # split shrink amount among number of clients per_amt = amt / cidx left = amt # track unused shrink amount # for each client before specified index for idx in range(0, cidx): # shrink by equal amount and track left-over left -= per_amt - self.shrink(idx, per_amt) # apply non-equal shrinkage secondary pass # in order to use up any left over shrink amounts left = self.shrink_up(cidx, left) # return whatever could not be applied return left def shrink_down(self, cidx, amt): """ Will shrink all secondary clients below the specified index in order. Each client will attempt to shrink as much as it is able before the next client is resized. Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned. """ left = amt # track unused shrink amount # for each client after specified index for idx in range(cidx + 1, len(self.relative_sizes)): # shrink by current total left-over amount left -= left - self.shrink(idx, left) # return unused shrink amount return left def shrink_down_shared(self, cidx, amt): """ Will shrink all secondary clients below the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. After applying the shared amount to all affected clients, any amount left over will be applied in a non-equal manner with ``shrink_down``. Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned. """ # split shrink amount among number of clients per_amt = amt / (len(self.relative_sizes) - 1 - cidx) left = amt # track unused shrink amount # for each client after specified index for idx in range(cidx + 1, len(self.relative_sizes)): # shrink by equal amount and track left-over left -= per_amt - self.shrink(idx, per_amt) # apply non-equal shinkage secondary pass # in order to use up any left over shrink amounts left = self.shrink_down(cidx, left) # return whatever could not be applied return left def _grow_main(self, amt): """ Will grow the client that is currently in the main pane. """ self.ratio += amt self.ratio = min(self._max_ratio, self.ratio) def _grow_solo_secondary(self, amt): """ Will grow the solitary client in the secondary pane. """ self.ratio -= amt self.ratio = max(self._min_ratio, self.ratio) def _grow_secondary(self, amt): """ Will grow the focused client in the secondary pane. """ half_change_size = amt / 2 # track unshrinkable amounts left = amt # first secondary (top) if self.focused == 1: # only shrink downwards left -= amt - self.shrink_down_shared(0, amt) # last secondary (bottom) elif self.focused == len(self.clients) - 1: # only shrink upwards left -= amt - self.shrink_up(len(self.relative_sizes) - 1, amt) # middle secondary else: # get size index idx = self.focused - 1 # shrink up and down left -= half_change_size - self.shrink_up_shared( idx, half_change_size ) left -= half_change_size - self.shrink_down_shared( idx, half_change_size ) left -= half_change_size - self.shrink_up_shared( idx, half_change_size ) left -= half_change_size - self.shrink_down_shared( idx, half_change_size ) # calculate how much shrinkage took place diff = amt - left # grow client by diff amount self.relative_sizes[self.focused - 1] += \ self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(diff) def cmd_grow(self): """ Will grow the currently focused client reducing the size of those around it. Growing will stop when no other secondary clients can reduce their size any further. """ # get currently focused client self.clients[self.focused] if self.focused == 0: self._grow_main(self.change_ratio) elif len(self.clients) == 2: self._grow_solo_secondary(self.change_ratio) else: self._grow_secondary(self.change_size) def grow(self, cidx, amt): "Grow secondary client by specified amount" self.relative_sizes[cidx] += self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(amt) def grow_up_shared(self, cidx, amt): """ Will grow all secondary clients above the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. """ # split grow amount among number of clients per_amt = amt / cidx for idx in range(0, cidx): self.grow(idx, per_amt) def grow_down_shared(self, cidx, amt): """ Will grow all secondary clients below the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. """ # split grow amount among number of clients per_amt = amt / (len(self.relative_sizes) - 1 - cidx) for idx in range(cidx + 1, len(self.relative_sizes)): self.grow(idx, per_amt) def _shrink_main(self, amt): """ Will shrink the client that currently in the main pane. """ self.ratio -= amt self.ratio = max(self._min_ratio, self.ratio) def _shrink_solo_secondary(self, amt): """ Will shrink the solitary client in the secondary pane. """ self.ratio += amt self.ratio = min(self._max_ratio, self.ratio) def _shrink_secondary(self, amt): """ Will shrink the focused client in the secondary pane. """ # get focused client client = self.clients[self.focused] # get default change size change = amt # get left-over height after change left = client.height - amt # if change would violate min_height if left < self._min_height: # just reduce to min_height change = client.height - self._min_height # calculate half of that change half_change = change / 2 # first secondary (top) if self.focused == 1: # only grow downwards self.grow_down_shared(0, change) # last secondary (bottom) elif self.focused == len(self.clients) - 1: # only grow upwards self.grow_up_shared(len(self.relative_sizes) - 1, change) # middle secondary else: idx = self.focused - 1 # grow up and down self.grow_up_shared(idx, half_change) self.grow_down_shared(idx, half_change) # shrink client by total change self.relative_sizes[self.focused - 1] -= \ self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(change) def focus_first(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[0] def focus_last(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[-1] def focus_next(self, window): if not self.clients: return if self.focused != self.clients.index(window): self.focus(window) if self.focused + 1 < len(self.clients): return self.clients[self.focused + 1] def focus_previous(self, window): if not self.clients: return if self.focused != self.clients.index(window): self.focus(window) if self.focused > 0: return self.clients[self.focused - 1] def cmd_next(self): client = self.focus_next(self.clients[self.focused]) or \ self.focus_first(), False) def cmd_previous(self): client = self.focus_previous(self.clients[self.focused]) or \ self.focus_last(), False) def cmd_shrink(self): """ Will shrink the currently focused client reducing the size of those around it. Shrinking will stop when the client has reached the minimum size. """ self.clients[self.focused] if self.focused == 0: self._shrink_main(self.change_ratio) elif len(self.clients) == 2: self._shrink_solo_secondary(self.change_ratio) else: self._shrink_secondary(self.change_size) def cmd_up(self): "Focus on the next more prominent client on the stack" self.focused -= 1[self.focused], False) def cmd_down(self): "Focus on the less prominent client on the stack" self.focused += 1[self.focused], False) def cmd_shuffle_up(self): "Shuffle the client up the stack." _oldf = self.focused self.focused -= 1 self.clients[_oldf], self.clients[self.focused] = \ self.clients[self.focused], self.clients[_oldf][self.focused], False) def cmd_shuffle_down(self): "Shuffle the client down the stack." _oldf = self.focused self.focused += 1 self.clients[_oldf], self.clients[self.focused] = \ self.clients[self.focused], self.clients[_oldf][self.focused], False) def cmd_flip(self): "Flip the layout horizontally." self.align = self._left if self.align == self._right else self._right def _get_closest(self, x, y, clients): "Get closest window to a point x,y" target = min( clients, key=lambda c: math.hypot(['x'] - x,['y'] - y) ) return target def cmd_swap(self, window1, window2): "Swap two windows." index1 = self.clients.index(window1) index2 = self.clients.index(window2) self.clients[index1], self.clients[index2] = \ self.clients[index2], self.clients[index1] self.focused = index1, False) def cmd_swap_left(self): "Swap current window with closest window to the left." x = self._get_window().x y = self._get_window().y candidates = [c for c in self.clients if['x'] < x] target = self._get_closest(x, y, candidates) self.cmd_swap(self._get_window(), target) def cmd_swap_right(self): "Swap current window with closest window to the right." x = self._get_window().x y = self. _get_window().y candidates = [c for c in self.clients if['x'] > x] target = self._get_closest(x, y, candidates) self.cmd_swap(self._get_window(), target) def cmd_swap_main(self): "Swap current window to main pane." if self.align == self._left: self.cmd_swap_left() elif self.align == self._right: self.cmd_swap_right() def cmd_left(self): "Focus on the closest window to the left of the current window." x = self._get_window().x y = self._get_window().y candidates = [c for c in self.clients if['x'] < x] target = self._get_closest(x, y, candidates) self.focused = self.clients.index(target)[self.focused], False) def cmd_right(self): "Focus on the closest window to the right of the current window." x = self._get_window().x y = self._get_window().y candidates = [c for c in self.clients if['x'] > x] target = self._get_closest(x, y, candidates) self.focused = self.clients.index(target)[self.focused], False)