Source code for libqtile.layout.tile

from __future__ import division

from .base import Layout
from .. import utils

[docs]class Tile(Layout): defaults = [ ("border_focus", "#0000ff", "Border colour for the focused window."), ("border_normal", "#000000", "Border colour for un-focused winows."), ("border_width", 1, "Border width."), ("name", "tile", "Name of this layout."), ("margin", 0, "Margin of the layout"), ] def __init__(self, ratio=0.618, masterWindows=1, expand=True, ratio_increment=0.05, add_on_top=True, shift_windows=False, master_match=None, **config): Layout.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(Tile.defaults) self.clients = [] self.ratio = ratio self.master = masterWindows self.focused = None self.expand = expand self.ratio_increment = ratio_increment self.add_on_top = add_on_top self.shift_windows = shift_windows self.master_match = master_match @property def master_windows(self): return self.clients[:self.master] @property def slave_windows(self): return self.clients[self.master:] def up(self): if self.shift_windows: self.shift_up() else: self.shuffle(utils.shuffleUp) def down(self): if self.shift_windows: self.shift_down() else: self.shuffle(utils.shuffleDown) def shift_up(self): if self.clients: currentindex = self.clients.index(self.focused) nextindex = (currentindex + 1) % len(self.clients) self.shift(currentindex, nextindex) def shift_down(self): if self.clients: currentindex = self.clients.index(self.focused) previndex = (currentindex - 1) % len(self.clients) self.shift(currentindex, previndex) def focus_first(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[0] def focus_next(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) if len(self.clients) > idx + 1: return self.clients[idx + 1] def focus_last(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[-1] def focus_previous(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) if idx > 0: return self.clients[idx - 1] def shuffle(self, function): if self.clients: function(self.clients) def resetMaster(self, match=None): if not match and self.master_match: match = self.master_match else: return if self.clients: masters = [c for c in self.clients if] self.clients = masters + [ c for c in self.clients if c not in masters ] def shift(self, idx1, idx2): if self.clients: self.clients[idx1], self.clients[idx2] = \ self.clients[idx2], self.clients[idx1] def clone(self, group): c = Layout.clone(self, group) c.clients = [] return c def focus(self, client): self.focused = client def blur(self): self.focused = None def add(self, client): index = 0 if not self.add_on_top and self.clients and self.focused: index = self.clients.index(self.focused) self.clients.insert(index, client) self.resetMaster() def remove(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return if self.focused is client: self.focused = None self.clients.remove(client) if self.clients and client is self.focused: self.focused = self.clients[0] return self.focused def configure(self, client, screen): screenWidth = screen.width screenHeight = screen.height x = 0 y = 0 w = 0 h = 0 borderWidth = self.border_width if self.clients and client in self.clients: pos = self.clients.index(client) if client in self.master_windows: w = int(screenWidth * self.ratio) \ if len(self.slave_windows) or not self.expand \ else screenWidth h = screenHeight // self.master x = screen.x y = screen.y + pos * h else: w = screenWidth - int(screenWidth * self.ratio) h = screenHeight // (len(self.slave_windows)) x = screen.x + int(screenWidth * self.ratio) y = screen.y + self.clients[self.master:].index(client) * h if client is self.focused: bc = else: bc = x, y, w - borderWidth * 2, h - borderWidth * 2, borderWidth, bc, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() else: client.hide() def info(self): return dict( clients=[ for c in self.clients], master=[ for c in self.master_windows], slave=[ for c in self.slave_windows], ) def cmd_down(self): self.down() def cmd_up(self): self.up() def cmd_next(self): client = self.focus_next(self.focused) or self.focus_first(), False) def cmd_previous(self): client = self.focus_previous(self.focused) or self.focus_last(), False) def cmd_decrease_ratio(self): self.ratio -= self.ratio_increment def cmd_increase_ratio(self): self.ratio += self.ratio_increment def cmd_decrease_nmaster(self): self.master -= 1 if self.master <= 0: self.master = 1 def cmd_increase_nmaster(self): self.master += 1