Source code for libqtile.layout.matrix

from __future__ import division

import math

from .base import Layout

[docs]class Matrix(Layout): """ This layout divides the screen into a matrix of equally sized cells and places one window in each cell. The number of columns is configurable and can also be changed interactively. """ defaults = [ ("border_focus", "#0000ff", "Border colour for the focused window."), ("border_normal", "#000000", "Border colour for un-focused winows."), ("border_width", 1, "Border width."), ("name", "matrix", "Name of this layout."), ("margin", 0, "Margin of the layout"), ] def __init__(self, columns=2, **config): Layout.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(Matrix.defaults) self.current_window = None self.columns = columns self.clients = [] def info(self): d = d["rows"] = [ [ for win in self.get_row(i)] for i in range(self.get_num_rows()) ] d["current_window"] = self.current_window d["clients"] = [ for x in self.clients] return d def clone(self, group): c = Layout.clone(self, group) c.clients = [] return c def get_current_window(self): c, r = self.current_window return self.clients[r * self.columns + c] def get_num_rows(self): return int(math.ceil(float(len(self.clients)) / self.columns)) def get_row(self, row): assert row < self.get_num_rows() return self.clients[ row * self.columns: row * self.columns + self.columns ] def get_column(self, column): assert column < self.columns return [ self.clients[i] for i in range(column, len(self.clients), self.columns) ] def add(self, client): self.clients.append(client) def remove(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return self.clients.remove(client) def focus(self, client): if client not in self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) self.current_window = (idx % self.columns, idx // self.columns) def focus_first(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[0] def focus_last(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[-1] def focus_next(self, window): if not self.clients: return if self.get_current_window != window: self.focus(window) idx = self.clients.index(window) if idx + 1 < len(self.clients): return self.clients[idx + 1] def focus_previous(self, window): if not self.clients: return if self.get_current_window != window: self.focus(window) idx = self.clients.index(window) if idx > 0: return self.clients[idx - 1] def configure(self, client, screen): if client not in self.clients: return idx = self.clients.index(client) column = idx % self.columns row = idx // self.columns column_size = int(math.ceil(float(len(self.clients)) / self.columns)) if (column, row) == self.current_window: px = else: px = column_width = int(screen.width / float(self.columns)) row_height = int(screen.height / float(column_size)) xoffset = screen.x + column * column_width yoffset = screen.y + row * row_height win_width = column_width - 2 * self.border_width win_height = row_height - 2 * self.border_width xoffset, yoffset, win_width, win_height, self.border_width, px, margin=self.margin, ) client.unhide() def cmd_next(self): client = self.focus_next(self.get_current_window()) or \ self.focus_first(), False) def cmd_previous(self): client = self.focus_previous(self.get_current_window()) or \ self.focus_last(), False) def cmd_left(self): """ Switch to the next window on current row """ column, row = self.current_window self.current_window = ((column - 1) % len(self.get_row(row)), row), False) def cmd_right(self): """ Switch to the next window on current row """ column, row = self.current_window self.current_window = ((column + 1) % len(self.get_row(row)), row), False) def cmd_down(self): """ Switch to the next window in current column """ column, row = self.current_window self.current_window = ( column, (row + 1) % len(self.get_column(column)) ), False) def cmd_up(self): """ Switch to the previous window in current column """ column, row = self.current_window self.current_window = ( column, (row - 1) % len(self.get_column(column)) ), False) def cmd_delete(self): """ Decrease number of columns """ self.columns -= 1 def cmd_add(self): """ Increase number of columns """ self.columns += 1