Lazy objects

The command.lazy object is a special helper object to specify a command for later execution. This object acts like the root of the object graph, which means that we can specify a key binding command with the same syntax used to call the command through a script or through qsh.


from libqtile.config import Key
from libqtile.command import lazy

keys = [
        ["mod1"], "k",
        ["mod1"], "j",

Lazy functions

This is overview of the commonly used functions for the key bindings. These functions can be called from commands on the Qtile object or on another object in the command tree.

Some examples are given below.

General functions

function description
lazy.spawn("application")) Run the application
lazy.spawncmd()) Open command prompt on the bar. See prompt widget.
lazy.restart()) Restart Qtile and reload its config. It won’t close your windows
lazy.shutdown()) Close the whole Qtile

Group functions

function description
lazy.next_layout()) Use next layout on the actual group
lazy.prev_layout()) Use previous layout on the actual group
lazy.screen.next_group()) Move to the group on the right
lazy.screen.prev_group()) Move to the group on the left
lazy.screen.togglegroup()) Move to the last visited group["group_name"].toscreen()) Move to the group called group_name
lazy.layout.increase_ratio() Increase the space for master window at the expense of slave windows
lazy.layout.decrease_ratio() Decrease the space for master window in the advantage of slave windows

Window functions

function description
lazy.window.kill()) Close the focused window Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack
lazy.window.togroup("group_name") Move focused window to the group called group_name
lazy.window.toggle_floating() Put the focused window to/from floating mode
lazy.window.toggle_fullscreen() Put the focused window to/from fullscreen mode