Widget objects

Widgets are small scripts that are used to provide content or add functionality to the bar. Some widgets will expose commands in order for functionality to be triggered indirectly (e.g. via a keypress).

Widgets can access the parent bar and screen via the command graph.

strict digraph widget {
node [pos="0,0!", color="Gray", fillcolor="Gray", href="root.html", style="filled", label="root", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="-1.94,-0.44!", color="Purple", fillcolor="Violet", href="bars.html", style="filled", label="bar", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="-1.56,1.24!", color="Gray", fillcolor="Gray", href="backend.html", style="filled", label="core", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="1.56,1.24!", color="Gray", fillcolor="Gray", href="groups.html", style="filled", label="group", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="1.94,-0.44!", color="Gray", fillcolor="Gray", href="layouts.html", style="filled", label="layout", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="0.86,-1.8!", color="DarkGreen", fillcolor="LimeGreen", href="screens.html", style="filled", label="screen", fontname="regular"];

node [pos="-0.86,-1.8!", color="Blue", fillcolor="LightBlue", href="widgets.html", style="filled", label="widget", fontname="bold"];

node [pos="0,2!", color="Gray", fillcolor="Gray", href="windows.html", style="filled", label="window", fontname="regular"];

root -> bar [color="Gray"];
root -> group [color="Gray"];
root -> layout [color="Gray"];
root -> screen [color="Gray"];
root -> widget [color="Gray"];
root -> window [color="Gray"];
root -> core [color="Gray"];
bar -> screen [color="Gray", dir="both"];
bar -> widget [dir="both"];
group -> layout [color="Gray", dir="both"];
group -> window [color="Gray", dir="both"];
group -> screen [color="Gray", dir="both"];
layout -> window [color="Gray", dir="both"];
layout -> screen [color="Gray", dir="both"];
screen -> window [color="Gray", dir="both"];
screen -> widget [dir="both"];


class libqtile.widget.groupbox.AGroupBox[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget agroupbox -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.backlight.Backlight[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget backlight -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:

change_backlight(direction[, step])


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

change_backlight(direction, step=None)[source]
commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.battery.Battery[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget battery -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.battery.BatteryIcon[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget batteryicon -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.bluetooth.Bluetooth[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget bluetooth -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Perform default action on visible item.


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


Scroll down to next item.


Scroll up to next item.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation


Perform default action on visible item.

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


Scroll down to next item.


Scroll up to next item.

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.cpu.CPU[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget cpu -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.graph.CPUGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget cpugraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.canto.Canto[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget canto -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.caps_num_lock_indicator.CapsNumLockIndicator[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget capsnumlockindicator -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.check_updates.CheckUpdates[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget checkupdates -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.chord.Chord[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget chord -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.clipboard.Clipboard[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget clipboard -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.clock.Clock[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget clock -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.cmus.Cmus[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget cmus -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.countdown.Countdown[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget countdown -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.crypto_ticker.CryptoTicker[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget cryptoticker -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.currentlayout.CurrentLayout[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget currentlayout -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.currentlayout.CurrentLayoutIcon[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget currentlayouticon -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.currentscreen.CurrentScreen[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget currentscreen -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.df.DF[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget df -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.generic_poll_text.GenPollCommand[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget genpollcommand -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.generic_poll_text.GenPollText[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget genpolltext -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.generic_poll_text.GenPollUrl[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget genpollurl -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.gmail_checker.GmailChecker[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget gmailchecker -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.groupbox.GroupBox[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget groupbox -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.graph.HDDBusyGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget hddbusygraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.graph.HDDGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget hddgraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.idlerpg.IdleRPG[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget idlerpg -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.image.Image[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget image -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items



class libqtile.widget.imapwidget.ImapWidget[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget imapwidget -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.keyboardkbdd.KeyboardKbdd[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget keyboardkbdd -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.keyboardlayout.KeyboardLayout[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget keyboardlayout -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


set the next layout in the list of configured keyboard layouts as new current layout in use

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


set the next layout in the list of configured keyboard layouts as new current layout in use

If the current keyboard layout is not in the list, it will set as new layout the first one in the list.

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.khal_calendar.KhalCalendar[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget khalcalendar -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.launchbar.LaunchBar[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget launchbar -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.load.Load[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget load -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.maildir.Maildir[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget maildir -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.memory.Memory[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget memory -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.graph.MemoryGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget memorygraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.base.Mirror[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget mirror -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.moc.Moc[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget moc -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.mpd2widget.Mpd2[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget mpd2 -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.mpris2widget.Mpris2[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget mpris2 -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


What's the current state of the widget?


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


Play the next track.


Toggle the playback status.


Play the previous track.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Stop playback.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


What's the current state of the widget?

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

next() None[source]

Play the next track.

play_pause() None[source]

Toggle the playback status.

previous() None[source]

Play the previous track.

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.

stop() None[source]

Stop playback.


class libqtile.widget.net.Net[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget net -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.graph.NetGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget netgraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.notify.Notify[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget notify -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Clear the notification


Returns a list of possible commands for this object



Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Invoke the notification's default action


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.



Show previous notification.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Toggle showing/clearing the notification

Command documentation


Clear the notification

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Invoke the notification's default action

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


Show previous notification.

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


Toggle showing/clearing the notification


class libqtile.widget.nvidia_sensors.NvidiaSensors[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget nvidiasensors -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.open_weather.OpenWeather[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget openweather -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.pomodoro.Pomodoro[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget pomodoro -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.



Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.



class libqtile.widget.prompt.Prompt[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget prompt -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

exec_general(prompt, object_name, cmd_name)

Execute a cmd of any object.


function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Returns a dictionary of info for this object


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

exec_general(prompt, object_name, cmd_name, selector=None, completer=None)[source]

Execute a cmd of any object. For example layout, group, window, widget , etc with a string that is obtained from start_input.


Text displayed at the prompt.


Name of a object in Qtile. This string has to be 'layout', 'widget', 'bar', 'window' or 'screen'.


Execution command of selected object using object_name and selector.


This value select a specific object within a object list that is obtained by object_name. If this value is None, current object is selected. e.g. current layout, current window and current screen.


Completer to use.

config example:
Key([alt, 'shift'], 'a',

'section(add)', 'layout', 'add_section'))

fake_keypress(key: str) None[source]
function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Returns a dictionary of info for this object

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.pulse_volume.PulseVolume[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget pulsevolume -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Decrease volume.


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Increase volume.


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.


Mute the sound device.


set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help


Decrease volume.

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Increase volume.


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


Mute the sound device.

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.quick_exit.QuickExit[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget quickexit -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.



class libqtile.widget.screensplit.ScreenSplit[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget screensplit -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the text in a TextBox widget


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Update the widget text.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the text in a TextBox widget


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


Update the widget text.


class libqtile.widget.sep.Sep[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget sep -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.she.She[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget she -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.spacer.Spacer[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget spacer -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.statusnotifier.StatusNotifier[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget statusnotifier -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.stock_ticker.StockTicker[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget stockticker -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.graph.SwapGraph[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget swapgraph -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.systray.Systray[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget systray -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:



Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Focuses the window.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Returns the X11 hints (WM_HINTS and WM_SIZE_HINTS) for this window.


Tells you more than you ever wanted to know about a window


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.








place(x, y, width, height, borderwidth, ...)

Places the window at the specified location with the given size.

Command documentation


int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer

Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments are given. If x is a number, return x.__int__(). For floating point numbers, this truncates towards zero.

If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string, bytes, or bytearray instance representing an integer literal in the given base. The literal can be preceded by '+' or '-' and be surrounded by whitespace. The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. >>> int('0b100', base=0) 4

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

focus(warp: bool = True) None

Focuses the window.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Returns the X11 hints (WM_HINTS and WM_SIZE_HINTS) for this window.


Tells you more than you ever wanted to know about a window

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

keep_above(enable: bool | None = None)
keep_below(enable: bool | None = None)
place(x, y, width, height, borderwidth, bordercolor, above=False, margin=None, respect_hints=False)

Places the window at the specified location with the given size.

x: int
y: int
width: int
height: int
borderwidth: int
bordercolor: string
above: bool, optional
margin: int or list, optional

space around window as int or list of ints [N E S W]

above: bool, optional

If True, the geometry will be adjusted to respect hints provided by the client.


class libqtile.widget.tasklist.TaskList[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget tasklist -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items


class libqtile.widget.textbox.TextBox[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget textbox -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the text in a TextBox widget


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Update the widget text.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the text in a TextBox widget


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


Update the widget text.


class libqtile.widget.sensors.ThermalSensor[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget thermalsensor -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.thermal_zone.ThermalZone[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget thermalzone -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.volume.Volume[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget volume -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object



Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument



Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.



set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.wallpaper.Wallpaper[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget wallpaper -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.widgetbox.WidgetBox[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget widgetbox -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.


Toggle box state

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


Toggle box state


class libqtile.widget.window_count.WindowCount[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget windowcount -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the current text.


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Retrieve the current text.


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.windowname.WindowName[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget windowname -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.windowtabs.WindowTabs[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget windowtabs -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.wlan.Wlan[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget wlan -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.


class libqtile.widget.wttr.Wttr[source]

API commands

To access commands on this object via the command graph, use one of the following options:


qtile cmd-obj -o widget wttr -f <command>

The following commands are available for this object:


Returns a list of possible commands for this object


Returns the documentation for a specified command name


Evaluates code in the same context as this function


Immediately poll the widget.

function(function, *args, **kwargs)

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.


Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

set_font([font, fontsize, fontshadow])

Change the font used by this widget.

Command documentation

commands() list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object

Used by __qsh__ for command completion and online help

doc(name) str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name

Used by __qsh__ to provide online help.

eval(code: str) tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.


Immediately poll the widget. Existing timers are unaffected.

function(function, *args, **kwargs) None

Call a function with current object as argument


Info for this object.

items(name: str) tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows __qsh__ to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items

set_font(font=UNSPECIFIED, fontsize=UNSPECIFIED, fontshadow=UNSPECIFIED)

Change the font used by this widget. If font is None, the current font is used.