Commands API

Qtile's command API is based on a graph of objects, where each object has a set of associated commands. The graph and object commands are used in a number of different places:

If the explanation below seems a bit complex, please take a moment to explore the API using the qtile shell command shell. Command lists and detailed documentation can be accessed from its built-in help command.

Introduction: Object Graph

The objects in Qtile's object graph come in seven flavours, matching the seven basic components of the window manager: layouts, windows, groups, bars, widgets, screens, and a special root node. Objects are addressed by a path specification that starts at the root, and follows the edges of the graph. This is what the graph looks like:

digraph G {
    layout = circo;
    root = "root";
    splines = true;

    node [style="filled", color=DarkGray, fillcolor=Gray, label="root"];

    node [style="filled", color=Red, fillcolor=Tomato, label="bar"];

    node [style="filled", color=OrangeRed, fillcolor=Orange, label="group"];

    node [style="filled", color=Goldenrod, fillcolor=Gold, label="layout"]

    node [style="filled", color=DarkGreen, fillcolor=LimeGreen, label="screen"];

    node [style="filled", color=Blue, fillcolor=LightBlue, label="widget"];

    node [style="filled", color=Purple, fillcolor=Violet, label="window"];

    node [style="filled", color=SlateBlue, fillcolor=SlateBlue1, label="core"];

    root -> bar;
    root -> group;
    root -> layout;
    root -> screen;
    root -> widget;
    root -> window;
    root -> core;

    bar -> screen [dir=both];
    bar -> widget [dir=both];

    group -> layout [dir=both];
    group -> screen [dir=both];
    group -> window [dir=both];

    layout -> screen [dir=both];
    layout -> window [dir=both];

    screen -> window [dir=both];
    screen -> widget [dir=both];

Each arrow can be read as "holds a reference to". So, we can see that a widget object holds a reference to objects of type bar, screen and group. Lets start with some simple examples of how the addressing works. Which particular objects we hold reference to depends on the context - for instance, widgets hold a reference to the screen that they appear on, and the bar they are attached to.

Lets look at an example, starting at the root node. The following script runs the status command on the root node, which, in this case, is represented by the InteractiveCommandClient object:

from libqtile.command.client import InteractiveCommandClient
c = InteractiveCommandClient()

The InteractiveCommandClient is a class that allows us to traverse the command graph using attributes to select child nodes or commands. In this example, we have resolved the status() command on the root object. The interactive command client will automatically find and connect to a running Qtile instance, and which it will use to dispatch the call and print out the return.

An alternative is to use the CommandClient, which allows for a more precise resolution of command graph objects, but is not as easy to interact with from a REPL:

from libqtile.command.client import CommandClient
c = CommandClient()

Like the interactive client, the command client will automatically connect to a running Qtile instance. Here, we first resolve the status() command with the .call("status"), which simply located the function, then we can invoke the call with no arguments.

For the rest of this example, we will use the interactive command client. From the graph, we can see that the root node holds a reference to group nodes. We can access the "info" command on the current group like so:

To access a specific group, regardless of whether or not it is current, we use the Python mapping lookup syntax. This command sends group "b" to screen 1 (by the libqtile.config.Group.to_screen() method):["b"].to_screen(1)

In different contexts, it is possible to access a default object, where in other contexts a key is required. From the root of the graph, the current group, layout, screen and window can be accessed by simply leaving the key specifier out. The key specifier is mandatory for widget and bar nodes.

With this context, we can now drill down deeper in the graph, following the edges in the graphic above. To access the screen currently displaying group "b", we can do this:["b"]

Be aware, however, that group "b" might not currently be displayed. In that case, it has no associated screen, the path resolves to a non-existent node, and we get an exception:

libqtile.command.CommandError: No object screen in path 'group['b'].screen'

The graph is not a tree, since it can contain cycles. This path (redundantly) specifies the group belonging to the screen that belongs to group "b":["b"]

This amout of connectivity makes it easy to reach out from a given object when callbacks and events fire on that object to related objects.


The key specifier for the various object types are as follows:






"top", "bottom"



Name string



Integer index




Integer index




Widget name




Integer window ID



Digging Deeper: Command Objects

If you just want to script your Qtile window manager the above information, in addition to the documentation on the various scripting commands should be enough to get started. To develop the Qtile manager itself, we can dig into how Qtile represents these objects, which will lead to the way the commands are dispatched.

All of the configured objects setup by Qtile are CommandObject subclasses. These objects are so named because we can issue commands against them using the command scripting API. Looking through the code, the commands that are exposed are commands named cmd_*. When writing custom layouts, widgets, or any other object, you can add your own custom cmd_ functions and they will be callable using the standard command infrastructure. An available command can be extracted by calling .command() with the name of the command.

In addition to having a set of associated commands, each command object also has a collection of items associated with it. This is what forms the graph that is shown above. For a given object type, the items() method returns all of the names of the associated objects of that type and whether or not there is a defaultable value. For example, from the root, .items("group") returns the name of all of the groups and that there is a default value, the currently focused group.

To navigate from one command object to the next, the .select() method is used. This method resolves a requested object from the command graph by iteratively selecting objects. A selector like [("group", "b"), ("screen", None)] would be to first resolve group "b", then the screen associated to the group.

The Command Graph

In order to help in specifying command objects, there is the abstract command graph structure. The command graph structure allows us to address any valid command object and issue any command against it without needing to have any Qtile instance running or have anything to resolve the objects to. This is particularly useful when constructing lazy calls, where the Qtile instance does not exist to specify the path that will be resolved when the command is executed. The only limitation of traversing the command graph is that it must follow the allowed edges specified in the first section above.

Every object in the command graph is represented by a CommandGraphNode. Any call can be resolved from a given node. In addition, each node knows about all of the children objects that can be reached from it and have the ability to .navigate() to the other nodes in the command graph. Each of the object types are represented as CommandGraphObject types and the root node of the graph, the CommandGraphRoot represents the Qtile instance. When a call is performed on an object, it returns a CommandGraphCall. Each call will know its own name as well as be able to resolve the path through the command graph to be able to find itself.

Note that the command graph itself can standalone, there is no other functionality within Qtile that it relies on. While we could have started here and built up, it is helpful to understand the objects that the graph is meant to represent, as the graph is just a representation of a traversal of the real objects in a running Qtile window manager. In order to tie the running Qtile instance to the abstract command graph, we move on to the command interface.

Executing graph commands: Command Interface

The CommandInterface is what lets us take an abstract call on the command graph and resolve it against a running command object. Put another way, this is what takes the graph traversal .group["b"] and executes the info() command against the addressed screen object. Additional functionality can be used to check that a given traversal resolves to actual objcets and that the requested command actually exists. Note that by construction of the command graph, the traversals here must be feasible, even if they cannot be resolved for a given configuration state. For example, it is possible to check the screen assoctiated to a group, even though the group may not be on a screen, but it is not possible to check the widget associated to a group.

The simplest form of the command interface is the QtileCommandInterface, which can take an in-process Qtile instance as the root CommandObject and execute requested commands. This is typically how we run the unit tests for Qtile.

The other primary example of this is the IPCCommandInterface which is able to then route all calls through an IPC client connected to a running Qtile instance. In this case, the command graph call can be constructed on the client side without having to dispatch to Qtile and once the call is constructed and deemed valid, the call can be executed.

In both of these cases, executing a command on a command interface will return the result of executing the command on a running Qtile instance. To support lazy execution, the LazyCommandInterface instead returns a LazyCall which is able to be resolved later by the running Qtile instance when it is configured to fire.

Tying it together: Command Client

So far, we have our running Command Objects and the Command Interface to dispatch commands against these objects as well as the Command Graph structure itself which encodes how to traverse the connections between the objects. The final component which ties everything together is the Command Client, which allows us to navigate through the graph to resolve objects, find their associated commands, and execute the commands against the held command interface.

The idea of the command client is that it is created with a reference into the command graph and a command interface. All navigation can be done against the command graph, and traversal is done by creating a new command client starting from the new node. When a command is executed against a node, that command is dispatched to the held command interface. The key decision here is how to perform the traversal. The command client exists in two different flavors: the standard CommandClient which is useful for handling more programatic traversal of the graph, calling methods to traverse the graph, and the InteractiveCommandClient which behaves more like a standard Python object, traversing by accessing properties and performing key lookups.

Returning to our examples above, we now have the full context to see what is going on when we call:

from libqtile.command.client import CommandClient
c = CommandClient()
from libqtile.command.client import InteractiveCommandClient
c = InteractiveCommandClient()

In both cases, the command clients are constructed with the default command interface, which sets up an IPC connection to the running Qtile instance, and starts the client at the graph root. When we call"status") or c.status, we navigate the command client to the status command on the root graph object. When these are invoked, the commands graph calls are dispatched via the IPC command interface and the results then sent back and printed on the local command line.

The power that can be realized by separating out the traversal and resolution of objects in the command graph from actually invoking or looking up any objects within the graph can be seen in the lazy module. By creating a lazy evaluated command client, we can expose the graph traversal and object resolution functionality via the same InteractiveCommandClient that is used to perform live command execution in the Qtile prompt.